Eight exercises to perform before getting out of bed and start the day on the right foot

Over the years muscle mass is lost and we become more rigid, which decreases our ability to activate and move. This stiffness is especially noticeable in the morning, as soon as we wake up. Although the best awakening is the one that occurs naturally, in today’s fast-paced society it is common for us to wake up abruptly.

In those morning moments, do some stretching before getting out of bed It is a good way to start the day, as it will help us recharge our body with energy and also prevent us from suffering muscle problems and injuries. With these exercises, in addition, we will be able to activate our body to face the day with much more vitality.

Fernando Ramos, president of the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists, stresses that the importance of these exercises is due to the fact that generate a tension that acts on different structures, with “important benefits” on the mobility and analysis of our joints. Thus, he points out that “it can help prevent the appearance of pain related to inactivity or prolonged maintenance of certain postures.”

In these lines we detail eight exercises that experts recommend doing first thing in the day, even before getting out of bed. It is a simple stretching routine that we can perform in a few minutes.

Before doing them, however, take into account the advice of the president of the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists: to perform a stretch correctly we must generate tension but not pain. “Hold time must be greater than 30 seconds to generate tissue changes and adequately stimulate the nervous system,” she adds. Remember, however, to perform these exercises with smooth movements, since at that time of day our body is still stretching.

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neck stretch

When we get up, it is common to feel the neck stiff. To activate it and avoid pain, stretch well by tilting your neck to both sides and forwards and backwards.

side stretch

Sit cross-legged, interlock your fingers, and extend your arms above your head. Stretch to the left and then to the right.

back stretches

To avoid contractures, injuries and overloads, stretch your back well. The back is one of the most delicate parts of the body. For this reason, if we do not stretch it properly, it will be easier for us to get contractures or to be overloaded. It is necessary to release all the tension that accumulates in the back and thus we will enjoy healthy muscles. Put your hands on your neck, rotate your back to the right and hold for 30 seconds. Then to the left.

stretch out your arms

You must stretch them well. To do this, she takes the elbow of her left arm with her right hand and stretches it out. Then do the same with the other elbow.

Inclined Side Swing

Without lifting your butt off the bed, stretch your arms forward. Supporting your weight on your forearms, lean your body to the left and hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat the movement to the left.

Full Body Stretch

Lie on your back on the bed and stretch your arms behind you and straighten your toes as far as possible without bending your knees.

hip stretch

Lie face up on the bed, bend your legs and lift your waist, so that your body draws a bridge. You should keep your head resting on the mattress.

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leg stretch

Lie on your back on the bed, grab both legs and gently bring them closer to your chest. You can also do this exercise by bending your knees until they touch your chest, keeping your back close to the mattress.