The exercise you should do at night to burn abdominal fat while you sleep

Summer is just around the corner and there are already many who are thinking about the bikini operation and getting rid of those extra kilos before the arrival of the beach and pool moments. It is a task that requires, above all, patience and dedication. Establishing a routine to take care of food and, above all, not being carried away by the temptations of industrial pastries, copious meals or alcohol are the keys to achieving this goal.

However, there are various tricks to achieve it in a simple way. Simple gestures that will help make this task much easier.

One of the most effective exercises to harden the abdomen are the abdominal planks. It’s a exercise very easy to do at home and with which you will activate all your muscles.

To perform the perfect abdominal plank, lie on your stomach and support yourself on your forearms, forming a straight line with your body. The elbows should be in a straight line with the shoulders. Look at the floor to keep the cervical area aligned and hold this position for 15 seconds. Very important: during the exercise inhale and exhale deeply. You can do it at night, before going to bed. It will hardly take you a minute and its results are formidable in the short term.

Another option is called the cat. We stand on all fours placing the arms parallel to each other, as well as the legs. With your back straight, keep your knees and hands firm and anchored to the ground. Now arch your back like a cat that bristles its spine when you see danger. procure keep your abs tight. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform batches of ten.ç

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Remember that you can also combine them with to improve their results.

If during the day you want to be more active, it is advisable to carry out a sequence such as “tabata” (high intensity training). That is, you have to do each exercise four times (each of those times you work 40 seconds and rest another 20 seconds). In total and in summary: 28 minutes of training with which you will be able to lose weight with almost no effort (but, yes, with a lot of willpower). Below we explain them.