Edema or Liquid Retention according to Biodecoding

Edemas are seen in Biodecoding as a protective and defensive response of the body to an unresolved emotional or psychological conflict. By resolving the hidden conflict and understanding the symbology behind edema, physical symptoms can be alleviated.

Edemas or Liquid Retention according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

Fluid retention in tissues is a way to protect organs and tissues from possible damage.

It is believed that edema may be a sign that something that is considered “toxic” is being retained or something that is feared to be lost. It is a form of communication from the body about unresolved emotional or psychological conflicts.

In addition, in Biodecoding, edemas are related to the retention of emotions, thoughts, situations or liquids. The location and size of the edema may be indicative of the type of conflict that is present.

For example, edema in the legs may be related to a conflict over emotional stability and in the eyes it may be related to a conflict related to vision or the perception of how things are being seen.

Liquid retention Biodecoding

Fluid retention, either in the legs or due to excess weight, is related to the kidney in a survival perspective.

The kidney does not adequately eliminate excess fluid (standing water) and does not adequately filter it. During a prolonged survival situation, the channels are closed.

When did you start to accumulate fluid, and what happened before fluid retention symptoms occurred, are essential questions to ask. You must consider existential issues and fears, since your kidneys are related to fluids.

See also  Tonsillitis according to Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts

Swelling (edema)

Swelling (edema) relates to the fact that you may feel limited or afraid of being limited in what you want to do.

In Biodecoding, fluid retention is a way to protect tissues and organs from possible future damage. Swelling can be a physiological response to emotional stress, internal conflicts, or challenging external situations.

Symbolically, retention of something, be it liquid, thoughts, emotions or situations. It may be a sign that something is being retained that is considered “toxic” to the body or something that is feared to be lost.

We hurt ourselves and then we cling to the memories. Swellings often represent repressed tears that we feel trapped or blame others for our own limitations.

Release the past, let it go and take back your power. Stop worrying about what others want and use your mind to create what you really want. Let life take you where you need to be.

The Edemas

Edema or swelling is excess fluid in the spaces between cells. They are characterized by swelling and a finger mark when pressing on the affected area.

Emotional conflicts of edema according to Biodecoding

Any accumulation of fluid or water retention is a sign of emotional retention. The person swells up as a form of protection.

It is important to note that the edema can appear when a conflict is resolved, since the person is in conflict between his ego and his heart on whether to maintain the conflict or resolve it.

The location of the edema and the function of that part of the body provide an indication of in which area the retention occurred. For example, a swollen leg may indicate that the person is holding back from moving towards a goal after finding a solution.

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Mental blockage of edema according to Biodecoding

If you suffer from inflammation, your body tells you that you are retaining fluid due to a lack of confidence in your abilities and talents, you are creating barriers and limits for yourself. The message you receive is to give in and risk more by following your heart and stop blocking the flow of energy.

You must open up and trust yourself more, take risks and follow the voice of your heart. Instead of withholding fluids and emotions, allow them to flow and let things happen naturally. Drop your resistance and move in the direction you really want.

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