Hoarseness, laryngitis according to Biodecoding – Emotional conflict

Any ailment or symptom that affects the voice, such as hoarseness or laryngitis, is an indication that the person is not allowed to express what they want to express. This does not necessarily mean that he does not speak, but whether he does or not, internally he criticizes himself for doing so, and deep down he does not allow it.

Hoarseness, laryngitis according to Biodecoding – Emotional conflict

The secret to solving it is to change the beliefs that prevent you from expressing a need of your soul to be, and start allowing yourself to be as you are, even if what you express is not always liked by others.

We cannot expect everything we say to be good or pleasant, and at all times, we do it to the best of our ability. Hoarseness occurs when your voice is very weak or muffled, even reaching the point of not being able to make sounds.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, which usually causes hoarseness, and can also include a sore throat and cough.

spiritual meaning

When you lose your voice or have a problem that makes it difficult for you to speak, your body tells you that there is something you want to say, but you don’t allow it; or that, if you finally express yourself, you blame yourself for it. It can also indicate a block in the expression of your creativity.

Your true desire: express yourself honestly and clearly, accepting that you deserve to be heard, and that it is good that you do so, without fear.

meaning in detail

By preventing you from speaking well, hoarseness or laryngitis tells you that your greatest desire is to speak and express yourself, but you have a fear that prevents you from doing so.

That does not mean that you do not speak or that you do not say what you think at that moment, but that, internally, you do not allow it or judge yourself for it. There are people who keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves, and do not express them, and others who always express themselves, but internally criticize themselves when they do.

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In the case of LARYNGITIS, you also feel accumulated anger for not having expressed yourself, and if a cough appears, it means that you have many critical thoughts towards yourself when you express yourself on certain topics or before certain people.

It is possible that you are afraid to ask for something you need, for fear of being rejected @, and that fear prevents you from moving towards your desires.

It may also be that you want to express your feelings and emotions to someone, both positive and negative, but you are afraid to do so because you believe that you can hurt, or that it is not correct to say certain things.

Another possibility is that you want to express your creative part, be it speaking in public, singing or expressing your feelings in some way, but you fear the judgment of others, or suffer in some way.

Whatever it is that you prevent yourself from expressing, your body tells you that it is time to allow it, and to understand that not everyone can always like what you say, but that it is important for you to be honest and sincere. /ay say what you feel and think.

If you give yourself the right to do it, even if sometimes you don’t do it in the most loving way, you will improve your way of expression.

Allow yourself to get your creative side out, and turn the love in your heart into words or forms of expression that make you vibrate with joy and fulfillment.

Discover the fear that prevents you from expressing the truth of your heart, and face it with courage and love, respecting your needs.


Travel with your mind to the moment the symptom appeared, help yourself with these questions:

  • In what situation did you prevent yourself from expressing something important to you, or did you express it, but blamed yourself for it, shortly before the onset of the symptom?
  • What words or feelings have you kept from expressing, due to some fear?
  • What are you afraid will happen if you express who you really are, or what makes you think what you say is so bad, or how you say it?
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Beliefs (wrong)

Look for the limiting beliefs (usually unconscious) with which you most identify, or find similar ones in yourself:

  • “I can’t say what I think, because _____ (something bad that you fear) will happen.”
  • “When I get angry, I always yell and express myself, but I think it’s wrong and I’m not a good person when I do it.”
  • “I am afraid to ask for _____ (something you want), because they can reject me and I will suffer.”
  • “I feel many things towards someone, but I am afraid of their reaction if I tell them everything.”
  • “They have taught me to keep my emotions, I must not express what I think and feel, I must control myself.”
  • “I have the desire to express my artistic and creative part, but I am afraid of failing and that not everyone will like what I do”.
  • “I would like to speak in public or sing, but I am not capable, I have no voice and I am afraid that the public will judge me when they see me.”


To change your beliefs you can use the following affirmations, and I invite you to create your own using the general method.

  • “I am perfectly capable of expressing my thoughts and feelings, and I allow myself to do so at all times.”
  • “I have every right to be heard @, my words are important and valuable.”
  • “I forgive myself if I don’t express myself with all the love I want, and I continue to learn to express myself better every day.”
  • “My opinion is valid, and I have the right to always express it, with respect and love.”
  • “I allow myself to ask for what I need, and I accept and respect the answer that others give me, with love.”
  • “I allow myself to express what I feel and want, and I accept that other people may not understand or accept me, and I choose to love myself.”
  • “I choose to express myself with freedom, sincerity and honesty, respecting my needs and the freedom of other people to be as they are.”
  • “I can always express what I feel, and I trust that life takes care of me and protects me, teaching me the best way to do it.”
  • “When I express my truth, I can see the reactions of others, and learn new things from myself and from them.”
  • “I allow myself to express my artistic and creative part, and show the world my talents; I am a bright and luminous person”.
  • “I allow myself to sing or speak in public, and I am confident that each time I will get better and I will be able to enjoy doing what I like.”
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  • Repeat the messages of your body every day.
  • Find out what you haven’t said and to whom you haven’t told it, and… speak! Above all, find the beliefs that prevent you from doing so, and change them for beautiful messages of love and trust.
  • Face your fears actively, look at the appropriate moment for a situation in which you can express something that you were afraid to do before, and try to do it. You will see that life responds to you in a more positive way than you thought.
  • If you feel guilty for expressing certain things or for not knowing how to do it with love, make a visualization in which you embrace your inner child, and forgive yourself for your failures and imperfections, knowing that they are temporary, and that little by little you will improve and You will know how to express yourself with a lot of love. Don’t forget to keep expressing yourself.
  • Investigate more possible messages and… love yourself!
