Somatize according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

Somatizing is the physical expression of psychological discomfort and it is possible that you know of a case, it may even happen to you yourself. Pain and physical discomfort that occur without any identifiable medical explanation. Recurring and unjustifiable symptoms that have a very negative influence on the life of the person who suffers from them.

Somatize according to Biodecoding

Mairena Vázquez, psychologist, explains what somatization is, which people are more likely to have somatization problems, what are the most frequent symptoms that can be found and finally, she informs you about some keys to avoid somatization and what is the best treatment .

What is somatization?

As Juvenalis said, “mental and physical health always go hand in hand” and according to the Royal Spanish Academy, somatizing can be defined as involuntarily transforming mental problems into organic symptoms.

psychosomatic diseases

They can be produced either by stress, emotional problems or negative emotions; Currently, most people live running from one place to another which causes us a lot of stress, we usually have many emotional problems:

Anxiety, depression, family problems,…) and we are surrounded by negative emotions (rancor, jealousy, envy,…).

The physical symptoms that are generated when we have high levels of stress and/or emotional problems produce apparently inexplicable pain in the abdomen, headache, nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems,… that cause difficulties at work and social level. This is known as somatization.

Somatizing is the physical expression of psychological discomfort. It is not a mental problem, but a consequence of the relationship between mind and body.

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Somatization Example

Let’s put ourselves in Juan’s shoes.

Juan has been feeling stomach aches, diarrhea, gas for some time, … especially in times when he is more stressed due to his work and family situation.

He works day and night to support his wife and children. In addition, his family situation is very deteriorated because he has constant fights with his brothers and parents, which causes him great exhaustion. He is very demanding of himself and unable to ask for help even when he knows he can’t take it anymore.

When emotions cannot be expressed, they are somatized

All these negative emotions affect Juan’s daily life, and cause this situation to produce physical symptoms, especially in the digestive area.

(Each of us has a weaker point in our body and that is where tension attacks), the body is in charge of expressing the emotions we feel and when emotions cannot be expressed, they are somatized; In other words:

The psychological conflict is sometimes transferred to the body so that it can be resolved without psychological suffering.

It is difficult for people to accept that it is our mind that generates this alteration and the problem increases when these people are diagnosed and treated with various drugs, completely leaving aside the important role that psychologists play in these consultations.

Drugs (analgesics, sedatives,…)

They can generate dependency in people who suffer from somatization disorders and psychosomatic symptoms, further aggravating the problem.

Another way of somatizing occurs when listening to the doctor’s assessments. In an unconscious way the symptoms are somatized and a disease is produced transforming the mental conflict into a psychic conflict. Roberto Salazar (physician) says the following:

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“When they hear the explanation, they begin to worry and feel that their body is at risk of getting sick, although the reality is that it is unlikely that they will contract a disease.”

Methodology and scientific references
