Early menopause: know its symptoms, causes and treatment

Hot flashes, arrhythmias, insomnia, headaches, irregular menstruation… are characteristic symptoms of menopause, but if they occur before the age range that includes the 40-45 years, are usually indicative of premature menopause.

The first warning, which can last for months, is the irregularity of the rules which eventually end up disappearing. The ovary stops producing estrogen, does not ovulate, and the woman is no longer fertile.

This change leads to the appearance of the symptoms with which we opened this article, typical of women in their fifties. The WHO estimates that the early menopause 1% of the female collective suffers from it.

The advancement of this state in a person’s life entails many drawbacks since many functions of the body run out of the force of hormones too soon and can cause depressive symptoms, tachycardia, hot flashes, insomnia…

Physical and emotional symptoms of early menopause

Although we have talked about it, we are going to specify how to identify the symptoms of early menstruation. It is advisable to go to the doctor or gynecologist if we notice a change in our bodies such as: irregularities in the period, vaginal drynessbladder irritability, exhaustion, palpitationsnight sweats, mood swings, sexual inappetence or pain during intercourse, hot flashes, tachycardia, Difficulty getting to sleep, osteoporosis, depression…

The woman who suffers the climacteric before the age of 40-45 years lives around five years many physical and emotional changes product of the transition between fertile and non-reproductive life.

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What makes some women more prone to this than others? early climacteric? In a high percentage of cases the cause is unknown. Among the known reasons, the premature menopause can have hereditary roots(it is common in those daughters whose mothers have suffered from it), chromosomal (Turner’s syndrome), infectious (malaria, chickenpox), diseases autoimmune type (hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis) and the causes of toxic origin such as pesticides, alcohol or tobacco (it is estimated that smoking advances the onset of menopause by about 2 to 3 years).

It has also been studied surgical origin. Tubal ligament sterilization reduces blood flow to the ovary and this may lead to early reduction in function.


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When going to the gynecologist alerted by the lack of the period, he must perform a analysis to corroborate the drop in the estrogen level (hormones responsible for the rule) and the increase in gonadotropins. At the same time, a complete physical and gynecological examination will also be carried out.

Women suffering from early menopause should follow drug treatment that compensate for the low and irregular production of hormones, and provide a good dose of calcium.