The posture with which you will get a flat stomach if you do it every day (and it will only take a few minutes)

Although it may not seem like it, spring is already just around the corner, which means that for many, one of the drastic moments of the year is about to begin: the bikini operation. After a cold winter where the excesses committed at Christmas are still dragging on and in which many have abandoned the promise to take care of themselves that they made in New Year, the ears of the wolf are beginning to be seen with the approach of summer and the arrival of good weather. time. The most difficult part of starting a healthy routine is deciding what to do, what to eat and how we are going to do it. The results are not immediate, and perseverance and patience are essential to begin to see results.

Losing weight is not synonymous with having lunch and dinner every other day and also simple tomato salads or punishing yourself in the gym by spending hours on a treadmill or on an elliptical machine. It is true that the usual rhythm of life sometimes prevents us from having the time we would like to go to the gym or play sports without sacrificing our leisure time. However, there are various exercises that can be done from home and that will only take a few minutes which, incredible as it may seem, bring results and are beneficial for being in shape.

One of the wishes of all those who want to lose weight and get in shape is get a flat and marked stomach. There are multiple aerobic exercises that can help in this feat, but there is one in particular that, in addition to strengthening the abdomen, also works the thighs, shoulders and obliques. It is the plank.

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This exercise, also known as “plank”, works different parts of the body and only a flat surface is needed (mat, a carpet or the same floor).

What you have to do is place yourself face down supported on the flexed elbows and the tips of the feet. To achieve a correct position, the elbows must be under the shoulders and the back must be fully extended. You must have your body straight and parallel to the ground. You must tense the buttocks and stretch the abdominals.

The experts recommend Maintain this posture for 5 minutes. Be careful, although it may seem simple, the first time you try it, it is most likely that you will last 30 seconds, since, in this exercise, a minute is a whole world. Ideally, you should go up 30 seconds every day, or just 10, until you can finally reach five minutes.

As you can see, in a few minutes a day you will perform an exercise that makes your whole body work and It is ideal for reducing the abdomen.

If you have more time, there are many exercises that you can do from home and take care of your diet. Here we were talking to you