“Ducktail”: the fashionable selfie that causes spinal problems

Luciana Salazar, one of the “queens” of the ducktail

However, this problem is not exclusive to celebrities. It also occurs in adults who have a sedentary job. “Fixed positions for long hours, using the computer and the telephone, can trigger hyperlordosis, as can obesity and pregnancy, since in these conditions the spine tilts backwards to counteract the weight of the abdomen,” added the specialist. .

In lordosis, the normal posture of the spine is not respected, an exaggerated curve is formed in the lumbar part, just above the buttocks. It usually does not cause pain by itself, but it is likely to be affected by its exaggeration, thereby generating other lumbar deviations, affecting the discs and other biomechanical structures.

The position was imposed during the summer

“It may be accompanied by other postural alterations, such as: scoliosis, flattening, increased dorsal curvature, shoulders rolled forward or head forward. If the deviation is minimal we will not notice consequences, but if this condition persists, over time, supporting so much tension will lead to more pronounced changes, which will cause the spine to shift, increasing its curvature,” added Barroso Griffiths.

5 home exercises to treat hyperlordosis

Lying down, placing your entire back against the mat and becoming aware of the position of your spine, perform an abdominal contraction.

Standing, separate your feet a little more than hip-width apart and about 30 centimeters from the wall. Support as many points of your body against it as possible, bend your legs and stay that way for as long as you can before feeling fatigued. Breathe deeply

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Place a book of a certain weight on your head, balance in an upright position, and then walk

An alternative to stretching: lying down, bring one knee at a time towards your chest, holding it for 10 seconds and then lower it. Repeat with the other leg

Another option: When cooking or ironing, place a stack of books or boxes about 30 centimeters high on the floor. Alternately support one foot and then the other, in order to flex the hip and reduce tension in the lumbar muscles.
