Does dreaming about someone mean that they think about you? – 5 tips to stop doing it!

There is no scientific evidence to prove the fact that dreaming about someone means that that person is thinking about you. However, the world of dreams is so complex that the repetitive presence of someone in your dreams could be related to emotions or feelings towards that person that you have experienced or that you have repressed. That is, sometimes, dreams are the unconscious reflection that you have towards others.

Does dreaming about someone mean that they think about you? To go deeper into this fascinating topic, in this Psychology-Online article we will answer all your questions to help you understand what this type of dreams really means.

Why can’t I stop dreaming about someone?

In reality, there are many reasons why you can’t stop dreaming about someone repeatedly. Always dreaming about the same person is a response from your unconscious mind that is trying to externalize some emotion, memory or thought that you keep in your conscious mind. In fact, the father of the Theory of Psychoanalysis, , maintains that dreams are a door to the reserve of thoughts, desires and feelings that are hidden in consciousness.

This means that if you can’t stop dreaming about someone it’s because you have symbolic or latent dreams, but they don’t necessarily mean that that person is thinking about you. For example, if you dream about an ex-partner, it is possible that you need to get that person’s attention, or that he or she is still occupying part of your thoughts while you are awake.

Now, if you always dream about a person at work with whom you have argued, it is possible that feelings of anger or resentment are stored in your mind that manifest themselves through your dreams.

Examples of symbolism in dreams

Below we show you other examples of the latency or symbolism of the constant presence of certain people in your dreams:

  • Always dreaming about the boss: you may have internal problems with accepting the authority of some people.
  • Always dreaming about your parents: it is possible that you have many protective and self-care feelings towards your loved ones.
  • Always dreaming about teachers: perhaps you feel that you are constantly being judged or evaluated.

If I dream about someone, is it because they think about me?

Although this is a very common assumption, dreaming about someone It does not necessarily mean that that person is thinking about us. Dreams are manifestations of our own and are influenced by a multitude of internal and external factors.

In the scientific field, several studies have addressed the topic of dreams and their relationship with social interactions. It has been shown that, in many cases, dreams manifest our concerns and close relationships in real life, but they do not indicate that the other person is thinking about us.

That is, dreams are the reflection of our own psychology and we cannot directly attribute them to the thoughts and actions of others. Now, from a psychological point of view, dreams are interpreted as manifestations of our own inner world. For this reason, when we dream about someone, it usually represents our relationship with that person, our emotions towards them, or aspects of ourselves that we connect with them.

How to stop dreaming about someone

If you find yourself in the situation where you want to stop dreaming about someone in particular, here are some tips that can help you deal with those recurring dreams:

  • Practice relaxation techniques before bed: Before going to bed, spend a few minutes relaxing and calming your mind. You can try deep breathing techniques, meditation, or even take a hot bath to facilitate a state of mental and physical relaxation before sleeping. Here you will find some.
  • Maintain a healthy sleep routine: Establish a regular sleep routine and make sure you get enough sleep each night. Adequate sleep is essential for mental and emotional balance, which can help reduce the recurrence of intense dreams.
  • Avoid taking stimulants before bed: Try to avoid stimulating foods, drinks, or activities before bed, such as caffeine, alcohol, or watching emotionally charged content. These elements can interfere with the quality of your sleep and increase the likelihood of having intense or vivid dreams.
  • Create an environment conducive to sleep: Make sure your sleeping environment is quiet, dark and comfortable. Keep your room free of distractions and make sure you have a suitable mattress and pillows that will provide good support.
  • Explore your emotions: it can be very useful to explore your emotions and thoughts in relation to that person you frequently dream about. Reflect on any situation or emotional attachment you may have to it and consider if there are unfinished business or unresolved emotions that you need to address in your conscious life.
  • Keep a dream journal: Keeping a dream journal can help you identify recurring patterns or themes in your dreams. Write down the details of your dreams when you wake up and reflect on them throughout the day, as this can give you greater insight into what may be underlying your dreams about that particular person.
  • Seek emotional support: If dreams about this person are causing you emotional distress, consider seeking support from loved ones or even a mental health professional. Sharing your feelings and experiences can give you a different perspective and help improve your emotional well-being.

Remember that dreams are a reflection of our subconscious mind and can have multiple interpretations. Therefore, while these tips can help you manage recurring dreams about someone in particular, we must keep in mind that we will not always be able to control our dreams completely. Without a doubt, accepting and understanding your dreams can be a liberating and enriching process for your personal growth.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Linn, D. (2002). The meaning of dreams. Robinbook Editions.
  • Mancini, A. (2007). The meaning of dreams. GOOD BOOKS AMERICA LLC.
  • Freud, S. (2023). The interpretation of dreams. BoD-Books on Demand.
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