The Thymus Gland is an organ of the lymphatic system, responsible for the maturation of T and endocrine lymphocytes, since it secretes some hormones, and despite the fact that it does not seem to arouse great interest, this gland is of great importance for happiness and health. .

The Timo is affected by two basic feelings: love and fear. Thus, if you go through life moving in the range of loving feelings, such as gratitude, trust and courage, the thymus grows and becomes stronger, and at the same time its activity is more intense, which increases your vital energy.

On the contrary, if you live installed in feelings derived from fear, such as anxiety, worry, stress, etc., the Timo weakens and slows down its activity, also depriving you of its energy flow. It is not by chance that it is considered the master key of the energy system.

The power of the thymus gland and the key to happiness

The thymus gland is in the center of the chest, behind the breastbone, where people touch when they say “I.” Among its characteristics we have that this gland grows when we are happy and shrinks when we are stressed and even more so when we get sick.

Regulates and controls the flow of Lymph throughout the body, the Lymphatic System extracts foreign materials, toxins and waste from cells, dragging them into the bloodstream for purification and elimination.

The Thymus regulates and controls the flow of energy through our own energy body, implementing corrective measures to regulate it, counteracting imbalances as soon as they appear and thus reaching the maximum balance of body energy.

The Thymus Gland constitutes the link between the Mind and Body, being the first organ to be affected by mental stress. The Timo Gland has always been the headquarters or seat of Vital or Thymos energy. A healthy active Thymus Gland contributes to positive vibrant health, with a strong Immune system.

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Processes carried out by the Thymus Gland in our body

  • If our body has toxins or microbes, the thymus gland immediately produces defense cells.
  • It is sensitive to words, thoughts, images, colors, lights, tastes, sounds, gestures, touches.
  • The feeling of love affects her positively and the feeling of hate affects her negatively.
  • Fear and negative thoughts affect her more than viruses and bacteria. The Timo weakens as she tries to fight off an unknown invader making room for low immunity symptoms like “herpes”.

Faced with a situation that causes sadness, pain, stress, etc., the thymus gland shrinks, which is why we express “my heart feels tight”, “I feel a pain in my chest”, when we are sensitive and vulnerable due to some situation for which what we are going through

We think that the heart is responsible for feelings, emotions, decisions, the way of speaking, listening, the state of the spirit, etc., but this reaction is the effect of the thymus gland in the face of a situation or negative thought that causes sadness, pain, stress, etc. and that energy surrounds the heart, which is almost attached to the thymus gland.

The thymus gland and the heart chakra

Anahata or heart chakra It is related to love, compassion, balance and well-being. The heart chakra controls the thymus gland and influences the lungs and respiratory system, the heart and circulatory system, the immune system, and the lymphatic glands. Symbolized by a lotus with twelve petals, green.

From the heart, love and compassion, acceptance, gratitude and altruism, respect in relationships and the search for a social identity, asking, giving, receiving, peace and harmony and the sense of responsibility are manifested. In its central part, at the height of the sternum, it manifests itself as security and self-confidence.

When this Chakra is open, it produces a strong feeling of security, love towards others. When we feel love, life seems to take on another color, we love each other and take care of ourselves more. Love encourages us to include other people in our lives.


The heart chakra is an energetic point of union and compassion but it is connected to the Thymus Gland more than to the heart itself; According to Buddhist teachings, the transition from the animal state to the human state occurs in this chakra.

Activates the thymus gland to increase happiness and well-being

In the practice of Yoga you have great allies that will help you strengthen the Timo, there are countless Kriyas (a set of exercises that work on a specific aspect) and postures, particularly in Kundalini Yoga.

inverted yoga poses

Candle posture, plow posture or pelvic lift posture, which work directly on our immune system. Although we must also take into account the Yoga postures that provide an opening in the chest, the posture of the bridge or the camel.

They can also perform an exercise that is aimed at repowering the thymus gland. This practice will bring blood and energy to the thymus, increasing its strength and vitality, as well as benefiting the lungs, heart, bronchial tubes, and throat. You are simply going to recover something that was already yours and you just needed to remember it.

These exercises can be done in the morning or at night before going to bed. Duration from 3 to 5 minutes.

  • Stand up and spread your feet shoulder-width apart; bend your knees slightly and shift your body weight to your toes (try to spread them), leaving your ankles free of weight. Take a deep breath and exhale to relax your muscles.
  • With your closed fist (either hand), give small taps with the knuckles of your fingers: one hard and two soft. This for 3 minutes with conscious breathing, inhaling deeply into the stomach and exhaling slowly and deliberately. Observe the vibration that will occur during the exercise.

Exercise (The Sun on the chest)

Be comfortable. Find a quiet and airy place. Extend your arms forward, palm facing palm. Close your fists. That will be the starting position. Now inhale through the nose slowly and deeply, at the same time draw your elbows well back, well attached to the body. Try to get your shoulder blades as close together as possible and your chest to open up well.


Hold the air. Then visualize a bright and powerful sun in the center of your chest. Feel its warmth and power of life. When you reach the limit of retention, exhale through your mouth slightly open, while bringing your arms to the starting position. Repeat the technique for 5 to 15 minutes.

2. Gem therapy:

To remove pain or blockages in the area of ​​the lungs, throat bronchi: lie down and put a rose quartz on top of the “Thymus Gland” for 20 minutes. Breathe consciously and relax all the muscles. Visualize a healing pink light or green light and you will feel much better. Green Jade can also be used.

3. Positive thoughts

The thymus is extremely sensitive to laughter and positive emotions, such as love, compassion, generosity, and self-confidence. The health of the being and the thymus gland depend on the joy of living.

4. Essential oils

A massage on the wrists and in the center of the chest at the level of the sternum with essential oil of Roses or Geranium activates the Thymus gland and the Heart Chakra.

Finally, we can be certain that the formula that will surely make our Timo Gland stay active and start working happily is to have a healthy attitude towards life, live in the now, laugh and vibrate, aware that it is worth adapting our attitude towards life, with the firm purpose of achieving the highest possible degree of happiness and well-being.

Our happiness and well-being are not the goal, but the attitude with which we must walk the path of our lives, and it is our responsibility to take care of achieving it.

Let’s put into practice the internal power with which we are all born and that over time we forget.

-Yajaira Monsalve-