Diarrhea – Integral Health Coaching.

Diarrhea is manifested by such rapid movement of food from the stomach to the intestine that it does not have time to be fully assimilated.

Generally this state is caused by fear or the desire to avoid or flee from an unpleasant or new situation or reality for me. A flood of new ideas arrives and I don’t have time to integrate them. I feel caught in the trap for something new to me and this turns my inner sensibility upside down! I reject myself, I blame myself – and I’m desperate! I have a very ugly image of myself in the present moment. I blame myself. I am trapped by these events. It is not the food but my thoughts that are no longer worth it.

On the physical plane, diarrhea represents the rejection of food before the body has been able to assimilate what it needed, therefore, the affected person does the same, but on the emotional and mental planes. This problem manifests itself in the person who rejects too quickly what can be good for him. It seems to him that what happens to him is difficult to assimilate. He doesn’t see its use. In this way he deprives himself of enjoying life fully, which generates ingratitude.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Quickly eliminate the waste, the excess, the “junk”. Water is always related to our “references” and to “mom”.

CONFLICT: Small crap conflict that needs to be removed. Visceral fear conflict. Conflict of lack of kindness.

See also  Otitis – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Diarrhea before exams means “I have not assimilated all the knowledge I needed.”

Cleaning within the family.

Conflict of visceral fear that reaches our guts.

Traveler’s diarrhea: Conflict of wanting to get rid of the new for being too attached to their territory and way of life.

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