The energetic ties They are a kind of threads or small tubes of energy that are created between people and through which information or energy is sent. These ties go from chakra to chakra, uniting all our chakras to the people with whom we interact, and mainly uniting the Heart Chakras.

For example, it may have happened to you that a person came to mind and after a few moments, they called you on the phone. Well, this is due to energy bonds. What happens here is that the other person begins to think about us before calling us, this information comes to us through the bond we have with them, we capture it unconsciously, but somehow we feel that something is happening with that person. Then she calls us.

The longer we have known a person and the more intimate our relationship with them, the stronger the bond that unites us. That is to say, it is a bond that is very connected in our charka and it is quite large, that is, capable of transmitting a lot of information and energy. If at the other end of the loop we have a person who loves us, they will send us good thoughts and beautiful energies. But if on the other side of the loop we have a person who hates us, and who spends all day thinking badly about us, these bad thoughts and bad energies will reach us through the loop. So much so, that we can even get sick.

Work with Ties

During our life we ​​can find ourselves in many circumstances in which it is necessary to do something with our energetic ties. For example, if you break up with your partner and you have not been very friends. Or if there is someone from your work who envy you and wants your job. Or if you have a neighbor who likes your partner and would love to get you out of the way. In short, without being a bad person, it is possible to find yourself in situations in which we have to act and do something with our energy ties. We have two options:

Put a filter: This option consists of creating an energy filter and putting it in the loop, programming it to filter out all the negative thoughts and low vibration energies that can reach us. In this way, we will no longer be affected by the negative energy that the co-worker we see every day sends us.


cut ties: This option consists of cutting the tie that unites us with that person. This option means cutting off relationships, and this will make us distance ourselves from that person, even if we never see them again. For example, in the case that we have a breakup, and we end up very badly with that person and we don’t want to see them again, this option can help us with it.

How to put a Filter?

This is a small example of the steps to follow to put an energy filter on our energy bonds.

Sit comfortably in your usual meditation posture. Take a few moments of conscious breathing, relax and calm your mind. When you are calm and appeased, visualize your Central Channel and make the Heaven-Earth connection. Imagine how when you breathe in, energy from Heaven and Earth reaches your Heart Chakra. You Chakra it fills with energy and once it is full it begins to expand energy throughout the body. Keep breathing in and absorbing energy until you are fully luminous.

When you reach this point, imagine how the light crosses the barriers of your skin and your aura begins to fill with light.

once you aura is completely luminous, begin to make contact with the person to whom you are going to put a filter. Remember that deep down that person is a wonderful Being of Light, and what he is doing to you now is part of his evolution and is nothing personal with you. Forgive him for his actions, but do not let these harm you. Visualize your Chakras, and the Chakras of the other person. Visualize the ties between the Chakras, feel the connection between that person and you.

Now, about halfway between you and that person, create an energy filter one meter thick and place it in the loop. Mentally make a positive affirmation of the type: “This energy filter will filter low vibration energies and will not let them pass, but will allow high vibration energies to pass”. To further strengthen the energy filter we can make use of Reiki symbols, especially the Cho-Ku-Rei, but also if we feel it from others. It is also preferable that the filter is purple. Repeat this operation between the ties that are created between the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Chakras. With a special incision in the Heart Chakra.


It is possible that you have to repeat this meditation more times, or that from time to time you have to renew the filters. If you have someone who is sending you a lot of negative charge, it would be convenient to even do it daily. The effects of this meditation begin to be noticed after a few days.

How to cut the ties?

With this little meditation you can do this job of cutting energy ties.

Sit comfortably in your usual meditation posture. Take a few moments of conscious breathing, relax and calm your mind. When you are calm and appeased, visualize your Central Channel and make the Heaven-Earth connection. Imagine how when you breathe in, energy from Heaven and Earth reaches your Heart Chakra.

Your Chakra fills with energy and once it is full it begins to spread energy throughout the body. Keep breathing in and absorbing energy until you are fully luminous. When you reach this point, imagine how the light crosses the barriers of your skin and your aura begins to fill with light.

once you aura is completely luminous, begin to make contact with the person with whom you are going to break ties. Remember that deep down that person is a Wonderful Being of Light, and what it is doing to you now is part of its evolution and is nothing personal with you.

Forgive him by their actions, but don’t let them get you down. Visualize your Chakras, and the Chakras of the other person. Visualize the ties between the Chakras, feel the connection between that person and you.

Now, imagine some energetic scissors and go cutting ties with that person. Do it one at a time and each time you make a cut add a small positive statement of the style: “I cut this tie with (name of person)”. Repeat this operation between the ties that are created between the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Chakras. With a special incision in the Heart Chakra.


When we cut an energetic tie, it happens that a small tear is produced in the aura, both in ours and in that of the person with whom we break the tie. That is why it is necessary that after cutting ties we do a little reiki to the other person for repair your auraand also that we do Reiki to ourselves to repair ours.

It is necessary that after cutting ties with a person we give the following order: “I will not allow you to get hooked on me again”. In this way, it will not be possible for the other person to recreate and reconnect ties with you. Once this is done, say goodbye to that person, wishing them the best in their path.
You may have to repeat this meditation more times, especially if the ties that bind you to that person are very strong. The effects of this meditation begin to be noticed after a few days.


Both when we put filters on our ties and when we cut them, we have to make sure that on our part there is no negativity towards that person. That we have really forgiven her and we want to continue on our way without this affecting us anymore.

Since the forgiveness frees us to us, it undoes the knots that we have been able to create in our Heart Chakra. As much as we put filters or cut ties with a person, if I have not healed my part of the relationship, I will continue to suffer and be hooked on that situation or person. The release from suffering it always starts with us.

Now that you have this information, you need to make good use of it. That is to say, do not start now to put filters and break ties left and right. Use these techniques only with those people who you really believe are necessary to take these types of measures.

Living can mean suffering for a while, making mistakes, feeling. If we protect ourselves excessively from people and situations, we will end up isolated from the world and this is not life. Isolating ourselves from the world is not going to help us in our evolution.

-Miquel Vidal-