You do not need to consult with any medium or seer to confirm what you are. Just by being attentive to your surroundings you will be able to discover it. All you have to do is observe your own life. Here are some keys that will guide you on your way. If you are a Healer, you have the gift of healing, that is, it is likely that you will receive signs and keys from the Universe that will help you discover your gift.

There are many different ways to know if you have the gift of healing. Some people may be attracted to certain types of people, or feel that they need to help others in need. Others may feel that they are always on the same wavelength as certain people and can read their thoughts without any effort. These are just a few examples, but there are many more ways one can tell if they have this very special gift.

How do I know if I have a healing gift?

The gift of healing is a very special gift that not many people have. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to be able to help someone heal. This article will go over some ways you can tell if you have the gift of healing.

  1. You feel extreme empathy to the point of feeling emotions and experiences on a physical level, with sensations in the body of oppression or even pain.
  2. Many tell you that they feel comforted and relaxed when they spend time with you.
  3. The people around you rarely get sick.
  4. You have anxiety problems and sometimes panic attacks.
  5. Sometimes you have problems with sudden and very marked mood swings.
  6. You usually think about how to solve the lives of others.
  7. You have a strong desire to help others, often at the cost of your own benefit or needs.
  8. You work in something related to health: psychology, medicine, occupational therapy, therapeutic accompaniment, counseling, chiropractic, or others.
  9. You have a history of healers in your family. Your parents, siblings, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc… are or have been related to the art of healing or a related profession.
  10. You frequently experience an heightened state of consciousness in public places (such as “butterflies in your stomach” or shortness of breath).
  11. You walk into a room and immediately notice if there has been a fight or disagreement there before you walked in.
  12. You are the person that people look for comfort in difficult times or problem solving and you always help in those cases.
  13. You feel that others deposit their problems with you so that you can solve them. You often arrive exhausted at the end of the day, especially on days when you have been interacting a lot socially.
  14. You feel that you have a special affinity with animals.
  15. Small children and animals always come to you, even if they are shy with other people, they come to you.
  16. People you don’t know tell you their entire life without you asking anything.
  17. Others ask you to scratch their backs or shoulders and you are good at giving massages.
  18. You like to make sure that others feel comfortable when they visit you at home.
  19. Many times you feel overwhelmed by the amount of commitments you have made to help others.
  20. You often feel shoulder and neck pain.
  21. Your friends and co-workers often consult you regarding decisions to be made related to love or their new projects.
  22. You prefer to do physical exercises outdoors: walk, run, do yoga in contact with nature since you feel the need to breathe fresh air to relax and recharge your batteries.
  23. You are interested in topics related to spirituality and alternative healing methods such as reiki, shamanism, color therapy and others.
  24. Many times you feel stinging, itching or burning in the palms of your hands.
  25. You are drawn to quartz stones and crystals for their beauty and healing potential.
  26. You frequently experience headaches or digestive problems.

With how many of these points have you felt identified?

If you have answered yes to more than half, you are a healer. What you do with your natural talent is in your hands. The choice to give it a channel or not depends on you. It is true that you have the gift and the world needs you. If you decide to turn your back on him that has its consequences too.

All undeveloped talent generates detriment. Well developed opens your way to a much greater expansion of consciousness and to your self-realization.

After all, we come to this world to give ourselves, to give away our talents for the benefit of humanity. What are you waiting for to listen to you?

Source: Knowing how to live better