COCKROACH Phobia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What are the symptoms of cockroach phobia? Why am I afraid of cockroaches? Is there treatment? The phobia of cockroaches It is one of the most common fears that exist. These small insects bring out the most primary and unpleasant emotions of human beings, making it difficult for us to handle this situation.

In this Psychology-Online article, we will explain Why we are afraid of cockroaches, where it comes from and how you can overcome it.

What is a phobia of cockroaches called?

The entomophobia(éntomon ‘insect’; phobia “fear”) is the term used to refer to the fear of insects. To name the fear of cockroaches there is no specific term, we can find blatophobia in some online articles, but this is not accepted within the real academy of the language.

How to know if I have a phobia of cockroaches: symptoms

It is important . On the one hand, in humans, it protects us from dangerous situations, ensuring survival. In psychology, there are two types of fear, innate and acquired:

  • The innate fears They are those that develop naturally, it could be said that we carry them in our genes. There is a category within innate fears that are called prepared, these are activated by contact with specific circumstances and are usually fears related to insects, snakes, heights and closed places. There are studies that show that these types of fears are present in all cultures.
  • On the other hand, the acquired fears They are those that we learn, through direct experiences or vicarious learning, that is, the observation of another person’s actions that allows us to reproduce the behavior.

The phobia is he irrational and excessive fear towards something that we dislike, in this case, cockroaches. It could become something that affects the conduct of our daily lives. Therefore, while fear is something innate and effective in our survival, phobia becomes the exaggerated fear that prevents us from developing.

Having this differentiation clear, you can detect if what you feel when faced with a cockroach or any other insect is fear or phobia.

The phobia of cockroaches can take you to Extreme situations, reaching the point of obsession, both in cleanliness, as well as constantly paying attention to ensuring that there is none around you, constantly talking about it or making it a recurring thought. In this case it is important to go to a specialist since the phobia can lead to recurring thoughts or .

Why do I have a phobia of cockroaches: causes

The fear of cockroaches is quite common, because they are insects that are related to dirt and less hygienic environments, this awakens the emotion of disgust. Disgust, like fear, is a primary emotion of survival. Evolutionarily, disgust has allowed us to distinguish between foods in good condition and rotten foods, preventing us from consuming those that are in poor condition.

It is quite logical that upon real or imaginary contact with this insect that produces fear and disgust, our system experiences anxiety. Anxiety is an adaptive feeling; normally the feeling of anxiety arises at a specific moment in the face of a new situation. This feeling allows us to be alert and in this way be prepared to react and adapt to the new situation. But when anxiety goes from being momentary to a constant feeling, that is when anxiety disorders and adaptability problems appear, in addition to possible physical problems, since our body sees itself in a state of over excitementaffecting the and related parts of the brain.

In addition to the primary emotions that can be awakened by contact with these insects, it is very likely that in childhood there was a slight conditioning about the reactions observed in adults or even experiences that have been explained to us or that we have heard. For example, If as a child one of the adults who raised me had a phobia of cockroaches and at one point I observed an excessive reaction to one of these insects, it is very likely that this has been imprinted in my behavioral patterns, developing it as my own in adulthood.

How to overcome a phobia of cockroaches: treatment

Like any type of emotional problem, it is important that you assess the severity of your cockroach phobia. In no case is it advisable to try to expose yourself to the object of fear, in this case cockroaches, to resolve the phobia without prior treatment, since this behavior could expand the symptoms. symptoms of anxiety and rejection experiencing panic and amplifying the existing phobia.

If you consider that you have a phobia of cockroaches and this affects some area of ​​your life to a greater or lesser extent, it is recommended that you go to a psychologist specialist who can help you resolve this type of phobia.

Cockroach phobia is a disorder classified within the anxiety disorders, there are many qualified professionals who can help you. reeducation and control of irrational instincts. In this case, a specialist focused on the field of behavioral re-education or re-education are good options, since this type of approach focuses on the way we think, helping to understand how we construct ourselves and act in the present, allowing us to develop our own tools. to better adapt to the environment. On the other hand, you can learn that they will help you reduce physiological activation.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • André, C. (2005). Psychology of fear: Fears, anxieties and phobias. Barcelona: Kairos.
  • Lara, M. (2017) The art of being human. Fundamentals of anthropology. Madrid: Center for Financial Studies.
  • Rojo, J. (2011). Understanding anxiety, phobias and stress. Madrid: Pyramid.
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