Canker Sores – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Canker sore is a superficial lesion on the buccal mucosa (mouth) characterized by a small white bump.

It appears because I react easily (sensitivity) to my environment, to the “vibrations”, to the atmosphere of a situation. I suffer silently with my mouth closed.

It is also the sign that I have difficulties expressing myself, saying what I think or
even in reacting because I don’t think I have the power to do it.

I may, when I was young, have found myself in a situation where I found myself uncomfortable in the face of a situation that came to my attention in which I was unable to react or assert myself. If I live a similar situation again today that I remind myself, even unconsciously, of this experience, thrush appears.

My words are useless and incomplete because I am too nervous. I remain silent, without even thinking of rebelling!

These white bumps are very painful, as soon as I open my mouth to express myself I feel them and this hurts.

Conflicts: In the child: Not being able to catch mom’s chest. Or not being able to expel the
snack (is forced to consume a food, real or symbolic)

In the adult: I can’t catch something, and it’s also a conflict between the truth I want to tell and the image I want to keep. family secret. Not wanting to talk about problems.

On the left cheek: Conflict related to the family.

On the right cheek: Conflict related to the profession.

On both cheeks: Truth I can’t tell.

On the tongue: Truth I don’t want to say (I bite my tongue).

See also  Fractures – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

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