Definition: Any break in bone tissue.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Phase of repair of a conflict of structural and long-term devaluation.

Biological sense: A fracture derives from a long and slow strong devaluation that has gone weakening the bone over time. After fracturing, the continuity of the functionality of that structure while it is repaired with a weld that will be more resistant than the previous structure to breakage, and this will allow us what in a state of depreciation we could not perform.

Conflict: Accumulation of small daily disrespects towards myself.

Final break in space time.


Definition: Fracture or break of a skull bone. May be accompanied by injury cerebral.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Repair phase of a deep-seated conflict devaluation. Intellectual or parental conflict.

Biological sense: A blow or bruise is always an alert sign regarding the part in which it is received A fracture is a strong devaluation that prevents the continuity of the functionality of that structure while it is repaired with a weld that will be more resistant than before. The skull or shell represents my structural self (identification) and intellectual. Symbolically it is related to the paternal function (head of the family).

Conflict: Conflict of deep devaluation in relation to the real father (my father, I as father, my father’s father) or symbolic (the boss, the mayor, the state, me as boss, my authority, my permissions…) or in relation to a process that depends or depended entirely on my intellectual gifts.

See which focus of Hamer corresponds to the area where the fracture occurs.

Femur fracture

Definition: Broken femur bone.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Phase of repair of a conflict of depreciation over time.

Biological sense: The femur is the main structure of my breakthrough. A fracture occurs due to a strong devaluation that prevents the continuation of the functionality of that structure. It is during the repair phase where we find the biological sense, which is to achieve a weld that leaves the structure more resistant than before.

Conflict: Any fracture of the femur in addition to having conflicts at the entrance of the FEMUR share this same conflict: “Non-acceptance of the passage of time”, “non-acceptance of the age”, and “desire to achieve something that I know I can no longer achieve”. This conflict should apply at any age, if it occurs in children or young people, we must look for who in the family are resenting (mother, father, doubles, ghosts…) The conflict must always be understood as a lack of respect towards oneself, example: “I should have done something and I can’t anymore because The time has passed to do it, I’m an idiot”.



Definition: Breakage of the bone of one of the vertebrae of the spinal column.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage.

vagotonia: Repair phase of a structural devaluation conflict.

Biological sense: The column is the structural pillar. Each vertebra has its meaning (see in VERTEBRA). A fracture is a strong devaluation that prevents the continuity of the functionality of that structure while it is repaired with a weld that will be more resistant than before.

Conflict: Structural devaluation. Accumulation of fouls against oneself in reference to the conflict of the vertebra in question. Thoughts too straight and strict that my unconscious and my biology has not supported. It’s structural.


Definition: Broken bone of radio (bone located in the forearm). It is one of the fractures more common in children. It is usually produced by supporting yourself with your hands in a fall and instead of split, the bone snaps like when you try to split a green branch.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Phase of repair of a conflict of devaluation in my radius of action.

Biological sense: The radius has to do with my “radius” of action. A fracture is a strong devaluation that prevents the continuity of the functionality of that structure while it is repaired with a weld that will be stronger than before.

Conflict: Devaluation for not being able to act in a conflict, within my short radius of action. Something close.


Definition: Semicircular bumps in the ankle joint. Are the parts that they protrude from the tibia and fibula bones at the ankle.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Repair phase of a devaluation conflict.

Decision conflict and mother.

Biological sense: It is part of the articulation of the leg with the foot. In it are held the bony structures and tendons of the ankle.


Conflict: Conflict in relation to the mother. Conflict related to decisions, floor too strong when I don’t believe in the decision I make. Or the same in the direction that took.

WRIST FRACTURE: Conflict in the assimilation of responsibilities. I think that something (gesture at work) is not serious but deep down I know that it is very serious.

Fracture of the nose bone: Conflict of great existential devaluation at the olfactory level (my own being and my territory). Great Separation Conflict at the Clan Level.


In this case the conflict is:I’m young, I want to fight, and I can’t, but I’m active in The struggle”. Although it does not manifest itself, there is an active struggle.

In the elderly, demineralization is general because their struggle is passive, they cannot fight and bear the situation submissively.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The bones represent the structure of the laws and principles of the world in which I live. When there is fracturethis is the indication that I currently live a deep inner conflict. may be related to rebellion either reactions to authority (which I want to cut myself off from).

This fracture It tells me that I can’t go on like this and that a change is necessary.

The location of the fracture inform me as to the nature of this conflict. if the fracture took place in an accident, you have to see what the guilt that I live in relation to this situation. The bones represent also support, stability and a fracture It can be a warning that I have to separate from my past, let it go flexibly to avoid useless stress and move on to another stage of my evolution. Do my norms condition me towards myself – myself or society to the point that I demand a certain perfection and even be rigid?


Frequently, a fracture in the clavicle it happens after a fall on the shoulder and indicates that I am experiencing strong pressure due to my responsibilities.

The emotion generated can lead me to think that I am going to “break” under the weight of my responsibilities. I look at situations objectively and I begin to understand that life cannot give me more responsibilities than I can take. I trust and I strive to find solutions or another point of view that will help me better take life.

See also  Swollen Spleen Emotional Cause: Biodecoding Illnesses


Difficulties (fracture or others) in the scapula they can come from a contradiction between what I am, represented by the trunk, and what I want to express, represented by my arms that are the prolongation of the energy of the heart.

I agree to consider that I am fully myself to manifest harmony in my life, in the actions that I do.


A fracture at this level it implies a greater fear or guilt in the actions that I do, or do not do, regarding my sexuality. I may have the feeling that my “best result” leaves something to be desired.

I agree learning to recognize my true sexual needs to allow me to develop more into who I am.


The fracture of a vertebra is usually the result of a inner rebellion, a reaction of inflexibility mind linked to authority. I see life with such narrow-mindedness that I am attracted this fracture.

my thoughts are too rigidI refuse to bend to certain ideas news that separate me from love and that bring me pain. I am uncompromising and often very proud and would have an advantage in developing more modesty.

The back is my bra and my support; seeing her hurt is uncomfortable.

I accept my present attitudes knowing that I can modify them from now on. It is beautiful to live life with its flow of changes and it is important to respect this.

I stay open to life because I know it’s good for me. I let myself go with the flow of life.

Did I pay more attention to physical activities to the detriment of spiritual aspects of my life?

To recover this inner freedom, I become aware of what bothers me.

I agree love me enough to express what I feel. Finding my inner freedom again, I recover the freedom of my movements.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel.

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