Definition: Disturbance of consciousness, perception, and behavior characterized by feelings of sadness, discouragement, and apathy. It is linked to a personal drama, whether conscious or unconscious.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. General conflict of identity, territory, devaluation and guilt

Biological sense: Depression is an ultimate feeling of hopelessness.

It is the passive manifestation of unexpressed aggression towards oneself. De-Pressure etymologically means “Relieve pressure» (of my life). Depression allows the subject to “take the pressure off” of the dramas with which he is burdened.

Conflict: Identity conflict.

And conflict of territory, devaluation or guilt.

If a territorial conflict produces a reduction in hormones (“hormonal neutralization” as protection), the physical expression of the conflict is attenuated, giving rise to a new conflict of devaluation and more subtle guilt (depression).

right-handed man: conflict of devaluation and guilt.

Left-handed man on hormone neutralization: conflict of active territory.

Left-handed or right-handed woman in hormone neutralization: conflict of active territory.

Right-handed woman: conflict of masked sexual frustration in which sexuality is lived as a territory (“it’s mine”).

In all the depressions in which there is guilt, this manifests itself as an element that perpetuates the depression.

Devaluation is experienced as “I am alone” and guilt as: “it is my fault why I do not do anything to stop being alone”.

This is expressed in a conflict in which “we cannot occupy our territory”.

Endogenous structural depression: Transgenerational stories or meaningful project, duels not done, responsibilities for dramas not assumed. Economic losses, duels, love dramas, deaths, abandonment… It may be due to a blockage in the circulation of energy in the clan (impossibility of being happy without permission).

Reactive temporary depression: (They have a precise traumatic reason). People who suffer from this depression devalue themselves greatly. The conflict is quite clear since the symptoms appeared in the six months after the great shock.

See also  NAILS

compensated depression: It can come from one of the two previous ones, the difference is that here the effects are compensated by working, clowning around, laughing excessively, taking too much care… The conflict must be reached after crossing this barrier.


Definition: Depression that appears in the months when there is less solar intensity. It tends to affect women more than men.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Father conflict and death conflict.

Biological sense: See the biological sense of depression and add the concepts of “lack of sun” in reference to the lack of the father. And that of the inherent relationship of winter with death.

Conflict: Conflict regarding the Father and Death.

  • “My father died”, “I’m afraid my father will kill me”, “my father doesn’t give me life”…
  • The sky falls on my head.
  • Inhibition for survival, not to sink lower.
  • Conflict of prolonged contact with the dark (with our shadows).
  • Lack of life.


Definition: More or less mild and casual form of depression that affects women (although also less frequently, men) after the birth of a child.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation and separation.

Biological sense: At the time of childbirth we pass from woman to mother. We lose an inner life that in recent months was “ours” and only “ours” and now we must take care of it as an independent life in the same way that our mother did. We lose a kind of life, while we face a new task that can scare us and devalue us

Conflict: Conflict of separation with our mother and conflict of feeling unprotected.

We generate a fear of our new role. Surely we have something pending with our mother or against our father, who did not feel capable at the time or because we feel separated from them.


Bio-Emotional Dictionary: Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó


The depression implies a deep inner sadnessan accumulation of inhibited emotions causing a conflict between the body and the mind.

This disease is connected with a marked event in my life.

The depression is translated by devaluation and culpability that corrode me by inside.

If I am depressant, I feel miserable, less than nothing; vI constantly dwell in the past and have difficulty getting out of it.

The present and the future do not exist.

It is important to make a change now in my way of seeing things because it is not like before.

The depression it is frequently a decisive stage in my life (for example: adolescence) because it forces me to question myself again.

I want at all costs to have a different life.

I am torn between my ideals (my dreams) and what is real (what happens), between what who I am and what I want to be.

It is an internal imbalance (perhaps chemical and hormonal) and my individuality is unrecognizable.

I feel limited in my space and I am slowly losing the taste of living, the essence of my existence.

I feel useless.

In other words, the depression It has its origin in a situation that I live in front of my territory, that is, what belongs to my living space, be it people (my parents, my children, my friends, etc.), animals (my dog, my fish, etc.) or things (my work, my house, my furniture, etc.).

The conflict I am experiencing may be linked to an element of my territory that I’m afraid of lose: to one fight that takes place in my territory and that annoying (for example: fights between brothers and sisters).

Here are expressions that reveal how I can feel: “You drown me!”, “You suck my air!”; “Air!”.

Sometimes also, I feel difficulty in delimiting or marking my space, my territory:


What belongs to me exclusively and what belongs to others?

The depressed people they are often permeable to their environment. I feel everything that happens around me and this increases my sensitivity, hence a feeling of limitation and the impression of being invaded by my surroundings.

Thus, I quit because I find the burden too heavy, I no longer have the pleasure of living and I feel guilty for being what I am. I may even have a tendency to self-destruction.

I may also have a “need for attention” to help me value myself; the depression it becomes, at this moment, an unconscious means to “manipulate” my environment.

Laughter is no longer part of my life.

The reason does not matter, I now check the underlying cause or causes of my state depressant.

Did I experience pressure as a young man?

What are the notable events of my childhood that make my life seem so insignificant?

Is it the loss of a loved one, my reason for living or the direction of my life that I can no longer see?

Running away from reality and my responsibilities is of no use (for example: suicide) even though this seems to be the easiest path. It is important to realize the responsibilities of my life because I will need something other than antidepressants to do disappear the depression: I must go to the cause.

From now on, I understand that I am a unique being.

I have exceptional inner values.

I can take back control of myself – myself and my life.

I have a choice to “let go” or to “fight”.

I have everything it takes to change my destiny.

Giving him responsibility, I gain more freedom and my efforts are rewarded.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel

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