Definition: Painful periods that appear with menstruation.

Technical: Conflict of fear and guilt. Rejection of femininity.

Biological sense: Pain is an alarm signal from the nervous system warning that something it’s bad. In this case, what is wrong is related to our femininity.

Conflict: Rejection of femininity. Notion of guilt for dirty genital sexuality, or for the same femininity.

The woman wants her baby to be a boy and mismanages male hormones. or expected that I was a male (and my unconscious rejects my femininity for fear of being rejected).

Fear and fear of having children.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

MENSTRUATION (pains of…)

The menses are the flow, through the vagina, of blood from the uterine mucosa. They occur periodically in a non-pregnant woman, between puberty and menopause. Period cramps can be linked to guilt and anger. These feelings may find their source in an experience in which I was sexually abused, especially before puberty. If I also have the feeling that my parents are disappointed that I gave birth to a girl, I will be able to do everything to look like a boy and thus be loved by my parents. Unconsciously I may delay or stop my periods. I deny my femininity and maybe also my sexuality, believing that it is dirty or sinful because it is the loss of blood (linked to the loss of joy) that usually indicates whether or not I am pregnant. This disappointment of not being pregnant comes from the included memory, that of the species, which wants it to be made for the procreation that guarantees its survival. Thus, blood loss, related from a metaphysical perspective to the loss of joy, indicates to me, to a certain extent, my grief, even unconscious, of not having been pregnant, linked to my genetic programming for the preservation of the species. If my losses “out of my normality” that is to say that they decrease, being able to even stop menstruations, or if on the contrary, they increase, then I must check one or other of the aspects mentioned above that I can experience in my life and that would explain this change. .

See also  Absent Parents

The more I accept that it is simply my body’s response to programming, the more this period will unfold in harmony. I must accept that being a woman, I have to live in harmony with this body that works according to cycles.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel


Dysmenorrhea is a menstrual symptom that consists of the appearance of sharp and intermittent pain during the period, either due to uterine vascularization anomalies, hormonal or psychological problems. Pain is not inherent to menstruation; but yes frequent. When that pain exceeds a certain threshold -by intensity or duration-, we speak of dysmenorrheaalso called algomenorrhea. In fact, the pain associated with menstruation They constitute the first cause of loss of school and work hours among women around the world.

The most distinctive symptoms of dysmenorrhea are leg cramps, severe pelvic or abdominal pain, lower back pain, as well as headaches, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. The dysmenorrhea it also leaves mental sequelae, since it often appears associated with clinical pictures of anxiety and depression.

All the problems related to the menstruation They respond, in origin, to an unconscious rejection of one’s own femininity. Situations in which the woman lives her sexuality not only with guilt but also with a deep feeling of dirt; as something even sinful. This, obviously, generates an internal anger and a hatred towards her body and towards what she supposes and represents to be and behave in life as a woman.

the woman who suffers dysmenorrhea With this gynecological symptom, she expresses a rejection of her feminine image and, above all, of norms and rules, whether cultural or social, which are seen as conditioning and denigrating. Submitting Rules; rules that limit and restrict their physical and emotional freedom. They are always, deep down, conflicts related to the acceptance of femininity. The Sense Project and the early childhood of women can provide vital information to understand the unconscious programs that lead to dysmenorrhea. Many times, intra-family norms regarding the ranks of brotherhood, as well as the relevance and functions assigned to sons and daughters generate a kind of programming conflict that is accentuated after puberty. The young woman internalizes that being a woman only implies inconveniences such as, for example, having less permissiveness or being dispossessed of her legitimate primogeniture rank -just because she is a woman- in favor of a male brother born after her, etc. Dizziness that often occurs with dysmenorrhea They confirm the existence of this fear for not having control and mastery of their own life, for being tutored and conditioned by norms and guidelines that are imposed on them and that, logically, they do not share.

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In addition, she may have received serious warnings from her parents -explicit and implicit- about the dangers of a premature and unforeseen pregnancy. This instills in her the feeling of guilt and the vision of her sexuality as something forbidden and dirty. The dysmenorrhea It expresses, as we can see, feelings of guilt and anguish in the woman. She blames that she unconsciously triggers that desire for self-punishment with a pain that never contributes to improving her emotional situation.

When the dysmenorrhea It is accompanied by vomiting or nausea implies not only an emotional situation of fear and fear, but also a drastic rejection of sociocultural canons and family disciplinary norms that have been imposed and inculcated since childhood. Nausea implies, more specifically, a feeling of disgust towards that feminine model that is rejected and possibly also refers to experiences and situations lived in the past by the woman herself.

Obviously, all these situations that arise around the dysmenorrhea they would not take place without the existence of a sexual devaluation experienced with anger and anger. It is convenient to observe in depth the study of the transgenerational because sometimes the programming cause of the dysmenorrhea It is found in memories of abortions that occurred in previous generations, children born with malformations, women who were forced by their husbands or partners to have relationships or events of a sexual nature outside the norm – large age differences in the couple, incest, etc. – that have been relegated to silence in the memory of the clan as shameful and nameless events.


the woman who suffers dysmenorrhea not only does she reject her femininity and the model of mother / partner / woman that her mother has meant for her, but also the norms and roles that are imposed on her because of her sex, considering them limiting and unfair. She would like to be able to avoid all those conditions and those pre-established guidelines that she receives from childhood. The fact that she cannot –or does not know- how to avoid it leads her to feel that rejection with fear, fear and anger, as well as anger for considering that she cannot take full control of her life.

Every woman with period pains He has to analyze, with the help of a therapist, the situations and possibilities exposed to become aware of which ones have had or are having a greater impact on his life. From the understanding that you obtain, you will be able to contemplate your life with a very different capacity that, among other things, will allow you to realize that many times what you have internalized as supposedly immovable norms are nothing more than beliefs. Beliefs can be changed and thereby dissolve the harmful emotional ones that cause the disease. In this way, the woman will be in a position to review, correct or undo imposed patterns that prevent her from recognizing, valuing and respecting herself fully and in harmony with herself as a woman, as a mother, as a couple, as a BEING free from ties.

Jesus Casla

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