Biodecoding fingers



Definition: Biological and symbolic meaning of the 5 fingers of the hand.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation in the sense of the finger.

Biological sense: Movement, execution, work and action, in a degree of precision. In addition, each one has its symbology.

Conflict: Depreciation in movement, precision, work and the function that each finger performs.

Stiff fingers: Notion of having infringed the regulation. Punishment, they have beaten us “Do not do it!

Injuries: anger with oneself, mental conflict. Culpability. Something (thought, action…) that we want to nip in the bud.

Trapeze: Depreciation for having falsified something at work.

trapezoid: Same as the trapeze but in relation to communication.

Thumb: Conflict of conviction or clemency judgment (thumbs up or down). In relation to work and father.

It is also the mouth, maternal function (sucking the finger is equivalent to the memory of drinking breast milk). Related to affective nutrition and the sense of taste. Mental worries.

It is the master finger, because it directs the others.

It represents our voluntary and responsible part.

wanting to control too much.

Devaluation without opposition possible (finger that opposes the other fingers).

Stress in relation to a child (hospitalized, placed in daycare…).

When there is pain: “I’m fed up, I don’t give more!”.

Index finger: It indicates the relationship with others.

Justification in front of others, social guilt of the accusation and the silence imposed (the finger that we put in our mouths to make “shhhhh”).

Finger pointing a direction. It is also the nose (finger with which we poke it), an archaic sexuality conflict, and also a function of parental authority (scolding).

The fear(This finger is the one that marks the strength of character and the power of decision).

It is the finger that represents authority.

Middle or middle finger: Real or symbolic sexuality.

Related to touch (finger that we use to touch something in a soft and sensitive way). Anger and rage.

This finger is related to restriction and inner life.

Feeling rejected easily, in relation to intimacy.

conflict of orientation in life.

Ring finger: Commitment (finger on which the alliance is worn), contracts, change of identity (change of surname, change of house).

It is also the finger of promises and oaths and duels.

Related to sight (finger that we use to remove something that has gotten into the eye).

Ring finger chondroma: «I want to form a couple on other bases, other values ​​different from those of my parents».

The affliction. It is a finger that acts little without the consent of the other fingers.

It represents the ideal dreamed of in a relationship and the dependence on another person to achieve that ideal.

I forget to take a global view of things.

Finger of harmony in the affective component of the relationship.

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Pinkie: It is the finger of secrets and lies both on a personal and transgenerational level.

The family. Related to the ear (finger with which we clean the wax):

“I did not want to listen to it and yet they had warned me

It reflects mental agility and ease of communication. The ease with which he detaches himself from the other fingers shows his need for independence and his natural curiosity.

It also represents intuition.

The person with problems in this finger lets it bother him what others think of him.

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

FINGERS (in general)

The fingers are the extension of my hands and the instrument serving the manifestation of my actions in my daily life.

They represent the action in the present moment, the details of daily life. By touch, I can love, caress, quarrel, build and create. My fingers are the concrete manifestation of my thoughts, my feelings.

A finger injury tells me that perhaps I am trying to do too much, going too far or too fast.

I take my attention to too many things at the same time and my energies are scattered.

I worry too much about things to do. The nature of the wound matters little (cut, scratch, wart, etc.) I worry about my present actions. Usually, the level of the wound and the type of tissue involved (skin or bone) are important. For example, a cut to the bone implies a deeper wound than a simple scratch.

I check the finger(s) involved and the answer to my questions will be clearer. From now on, I take the time to do one thing at a time because I accept my human dimension and cut my impatience that encourages me to move too quickly.


The thumb is linked to pressure, the one I place on my shoulders as well as the one I demand from others! It is a powerful finger that symbolizes strength, my need for power and that serves to push, judge, rush as well as appreciate the actions of others (thumbs up or down) as well as my own interventions.

When I show my thumb up with my hand closed, I give my approval; thumb down, my disagreement or rejection. The thumb is linked to my intellect, my interpersonal exchanges and my sensitivity. The thumb therefore determines the type of contacts I have with others and myself. A child sucks his thumb in situations where he feels insecure, therefore the thumb represents security and protection. All thumb injuries are associated with excessive mental effort, excessive accumulation of ideas and worries, and a tendency to be pessimistic.


Are my exchanges with others healthy?

Do I push others too much or do I feel pushed by a fast-paced life?

The thumb also symbolizes life and survival, the desire to live your life and not to die (if I keep my thumb inside a closed hand, I am an introverted person who perhaps wants to die or feels the need to withdraw on himself to protect himself from the outside world).

From now on, I do everything to be at peace with myself. I watch for signs linked to my thumb and stay vigilant when something happens to me.

I let up the sadness that inhabits me.

I accept life and situations without making too much drama because I know that the universe takes care of me!


The index represents the ego under all these aspects: authority, pride, sufficiency…

In my non-verbal behaviors, when I activate my forefinger by pointing it frequently, this indicates a rejection of authority, be it parental or otherwise. I try to express authority in a “reactive” way, that is, in reaction to the different forms of authority present.

My fear of authority can even cause me digestion disorders.

I’m afraid of being caught in the trap, of not being recognized for my fair worth. I am afraid of authority and I do not accept that it is present in my life.

I want to assert my criteria at all costs!

When I use my index to impose my ideas in a rather authoritative way, it is my way of asserting my “personal power”.

I am aware that often it is my crying that makes me act this way. I have great emotional sensitivity and I need to feel secure in life. I understand that being right for an all or nothing is not what counts. I conserve my energy for important things.

Is it really the authority that bothers me?

Perhaps it is a feeling of powerlessness or insecurity that goes back to my childhood in the face of parental authority. From now on I accept the forms of authority that bother me knowing that they exist to make me evolve positively.


The middle finger, the longest finger on the hand, represents creativity, sexuality, and anger. In short, it symbolizes many things and I must pay particular attention to it. An injury to this finger means that my sex life is not going as I wish or that I bow too easily to fate.

I live a pain or a tension linked to dissatisfaction, and anger gradually settles. This reaction prevents me from realizing my specific desires.

My creative side is restricted by a lack of confidence. From now on, I identify the aspect of my sexuality or my creativity that is at issue.

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I agree to express my needs instead of letting anger rise.

I understand that only my fears (pride) prevent me from expressing myself.


Annular, from the word “ring”, is the symbol of union and represents my affective ties.

Any injury to this finger comes from a pain or a difficulty in my affective relationships; It can be in front of my husband, my wife, my children and, in certain cases, even in front of my parents. This wound is the external manifestation of an internal wound that I probably haven’t talked to anyone about.

It is difficult for me to unite with myself, to live with this inner pain that weighs me down. Perhaps I have a tendency to exaggerate the situation.

What is bothering me? I agree to detach myself to better see the situation. What is stopping me from expressing myself?

Maybe I imagine the other’s reaction?

I learn to check and I understand that between imagining and knowing, there is a big difference. Checking allows me to have much more harmonious relationships and also teaches me to dialogue.

FINGERS – EARPHONE (little finger)

The earphone is directly linked to the heart. It represents the family as well as all the familiar aspects of my life, in particular love and family harmony.

When I get a wound on this finger, this indicates that I am experiencing emotions in front of my family that I should express, a lack of harmony within my partner or a simple lack of self-love.

Any damage to the little finger (scratch, burn, etc.) surely denotes too great an emotionality.

I surely have the unfortunate habit of worrying about trifles (little finger) and my emotionality predominates.

I become pretentious and this unbalances me and prevents me from understanding the people and events in my life.

I agree to look at events and situations with the simplicity of a child. De-dramatizing and revealing open-mindedness, I learn to assert myself and communicate. I go forward more happily.

I need much more inner calm.

Instead of playing a role and living in a world where appearances They matter more than “being”, I have an advantage in going back to simple things and being myself.


Arthritis symbolizes criticism, self-punishment, disapproval, a deep lack of love. Thus, arthritic fingers (ie details of everyday life) indicate the feeling of being unloved and of being a victim of events in my daily life.

I give power to others. I agree to love myself and forgive myself because if I don’t love myself, how can others love me?

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