Are there common obsessions and compulsions?

Some experts mention some obsessions and compulsions that tend to be more common than others. Which are?

There are common obsessions and compulsions such as accumulation. This is an obsessive and compulsive behavior in which a person feels that a useless object may work later, so they put it away. They don’t have the facility to get away from simple things.

There’s others linked to somatic symptomsFor example, when someone thinks they have a defect in their nose and has 7 nose jobs, and still feels like they have defects. There are others associated with the symmetry and precision where they feel that everything should be in order because otherwise a catastrophe occurs and they will be harmed, the same thing happens with cleaning.

Something that seems important to me about obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is that the person does not differentiate between the possible and the probable. It is possible that she is sitting and the ceiling falls and kills him, but it is not likely; However, he experiences everything as if it were very likely to happen to him.

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According to him Among children and adolescents with OCD, the most common obsessions are:

  • Fear of dirt or germs
  • Fear of contamination
  • Religious
  • Concern about body waste
  • Lucky or unlucky numbers
  • Sexual or aggressive thoughts
  • Fear of illness or injury, or of this happening to a family member
  • Concern about items in the house
  • Unwanted sounds or words
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And among the most common compulsions are:

  • Cleansing rituals, including handwashing, showering, and brushing teeth
  • Repetition of rituals, including entering and exiting through a door, the need to move through spaces in a certain way, or rereading, erasing, and rewriting
  • Checking rituals to ensure that an appliance is turned off or a door is closed, and repeatedly checking the task
  • Rituals to cancel contact with a “contaminated” person or object
  • Rituals with touch
  • Rituals to prevent harm to self or others
  • Sort or arrange objects
  • Counting rituals
  • Accumulating or collecting things that have no obvious value
  • Cleansing rituals in relation to the house or other elements