Apply neurofeedback techniques in your daily life to regulate your mental health

Discover advanced mental feedback practices and promote new brain habits.

After confinement and the constant fear of contagion generated by Covid 19, the WHO (World Health Organization) reveals that the psychological consequences of the pandemic have left more consequences than the bodily symptoms themselves.

According to neurologist Dr. Juan A. Cruz Velarde, from the Climate Neurobiology Institute, “The lack of social interactions would have influenced the destabilization of patients already affected by anxiety and depression problems.”.

This is because people need social experiences to release endorphins. When we enjoy good company in a free environment, the body is stimulated to such an extent that sensations of pleasure, well-being and joy appear.

Contrary to the increase in pathologies associated with sadness such as: tension headaches, insomnia or neck pain due to muscle tension that occursaccording to Dr. Cruz, as an aggravating factor for mental health.

Neurofeedback or neurofeedback works on these types of negative situations, training the brain waves that correspond to how we feel, act and function. This being a process that helps us become aware of our physiological functions, through certain advanced techniques.

How does neurofeedback work?

“First We record brain waves through sensors located on the scalp (electroencephalogram or EEG). Then, these They are interpreted to know which areas of the brain are functioning incorrectly by comparing them with their normal function” explains Neuroscenter Clinic Director Sydney Pinoy.

During this session, audiovisual indications are provided such as video games that train the brain to activate or deactivate specific brain regions.

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“In this way the brain learns to reduce the brain waves that cause stress or difficulty, and also to increase the activity of those that function optimally,” explains Pinoy.

This training is carried out one or two sessions a week and its effectiveness, according to the expert, is generated after 20 sessions at a caustic level of 80%.

Although the repetition of the sessions manages to create new brain habits and unlearn others, Neuropsychology also practices feedback without the assistance of a trained professional and instrument.

Promote neuroplasticity

Every time we learn a language or play an instrument for the first time, neuroplasticity sends supportive neural networks that adapt to new situations or changes.

“Meditation and mindfulness have important cognitive and psychological benefits,” says Pinoy, by promoting more situations of change and brain training.

Given the: “They improve memory, increase the ability to concentrate and creativity and delay the deterioration associated with aging, and there are even studies that claim that they improve the immune system.” the expert continues to explain.

To develop mindfulness there is a full attention exercise that consists of reading with a stopwatch at your side. In such a way that, when we lose focus or the thread of the reading, due to a stray thought, we stop the stopwatch and write down, because only then will we know how long our attention span lasts, and over time it will improve thanks to repetition of the technique.

As for meditation, the ideal is to practice it for at least 20 minutes a day, looking for a peaceful and comfortable environment to spend enough time sitting and concentrating.

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“Being aware of our environment and our lives is important for our psychological and physical well-being. The results will settle over time, depending on the person’s physiology and psychology,” teaches Pinoy.