Alert for the increase in cases of mouth-hand-foot disease: What is it and how is it spread?

The Spanish Society of Pediatrics warns that with the arrival of spring the number of pediatric consultations for this infection has increased.

Mouth-hand-foot disease is a Viral infection mild and contagious quite common among the smallest (between 1 and 3 years) that can appear at any time of the year.

Its main symptom is the appearance of blisters in the mouth, palms of the hands and feet, hence its name. And those responsible for these characteristic vesicles are enteroviruses.

Recently the Enterovirus Unit of the of the Carlos III Health Institutehas carried out a study on this virus, published in , concluding that the notification of cases of this disease or of vesicles related to the infection has increased in Spain in recent years.

The cause? Well, probably the increase in the circulation of one of the enterovirus serotypes, specifically the coxsackie virus CVA6which until 2010 had not been detected in our country.

But calm down! They clarify that “the increase in cases is not worrisome and its severity does not seem to be greater.”

Although the researchers recommend improving the surveillance of enteroviruses in mucocutaneous manifestations, with the aim of facilitating the identification of new types or variants of Enteroviruses that can be related to outbreaks and pathologies more serious.

Mouth-hand-foot disease, very contagious and more in summer

It’s spread? What are your symptoms?

This typically childhood disease and mild, we insist, it is easily transmitted through direct contact via fecal-oral (feces) and air (secretions from the nose, mouth or droplets that are released when coughing).

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Pediatricians explain that “the virus remains mainly in the feces or in the respiratory tract for several weeks after suffering from the disease.”

Besides, can survive for a long time in objects handled and used with childrensuch as handkerchiefs, tables, sheets, towels… which makes transmission very easy.

What’s more, children can shed and spread the virus without ever having symptoms of mouth-hand-foot disease.

Once the child is infected, the incubation period is 3 to 6 days. And the symptoms that the enterovirus has infected them are:

  • a few days of moderate fever and malaise.

  • When the fever subsides, the acne (rash) typical of this virus blisters in the mouth (palate, gums or tongue), on the palms of the hands and feet, and in the diaper area.

  • Are vesicles do not itch and they will be cured between 5 and 10 days after their appearance.

There is no treatment and it can happen more than once

The only thing left for parents when their little ones have hand-foot-mouth disease are painkillers and patience. Because this pathology does not have a specific treatment other than the usual to reduce fever and discomfort.

In addition, as explained by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, the having passed the disease does not immunize. The large number of phenotypes can cause our child to contract the disease again.

So it is best to try to prevent contagion. As? Well, washing your hands regularly, especially after changing nappies, and disinfecting surfaces that could be contaminated (the changing table, sheets, car blankets…).

And little else, because to date no vaccine has been developed that works against enteroviruses.

Can I send the child to school or nursery?

If the pandemic has achieved anything, it is that any small symptom that the child presents is reason enough to leave him at home. This has probably prevented many childhood infections.

But the AEP pediatricians explain that in the case of mouth-hand-foot disease leaving them at home does not always prevent contagion. Because? Well, because very often this infection does not produce symptoms. Besides, the transmission of the virus occurs before it begins to show its face.

So not taking them to school or daycare when the blisters appear does not guarantee transmission of the virus to other classmates. If the child is well, he does not have a fever, and the vesicles do not cause him too many problems, he can go to class without problem.

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