Age spots: how to identify them and available solutions –

The age spots are small areas of color change (hyperpigmentation), affecting the face, hands, and other regions frequently exposed to the sun. Although they are more common in people over 40, they can appear earlier in some cases. The firm’s specialists address in this article how to identify them and the main solutions available.

Triggers and Treatments Available for Age Spots

The It is a common process by which melanin, a natural skin pigment, is produced in excess, leading to dark spots and uneven skin tones. Although hyperpigmentation can affect the skin color of people of any skin complexion, it is more common in people with darker skin types without any gender bias.
There are many Causes why a person may have hyperpigmentation. Among the main ones it is worth mentioning overexposure to UV sunlight, genetic disposition, age, hormonal influences, inflammation or trauma. There are several hyperpigmentation disorders, one of which is pigment spots.
Usually located on the skin areas most exposed to the sun, such as the back of the hands, face, forearms, forehead and shoulders, age spots are small, flat (light brown to black) areas of darkened skin. The appearance of pigment spots can make those affected feel self-conscious, especially because of its association with aging.

Although pigment spots are usually harmless, some forms can be life-threatening, such as melanoma. Consequently, a regular dermatological evaluation is recommended to investigate the presence of pigment spots. And in any case, If a pigmentation spot changes in size, shape, color, or itches or bleeds, a visit to the dermatologist is imperative. to exclude a malignant process.

What is the cause of age spots?

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Pigment spots are due to a increased activity of melanocytes, the melanin-producing cells that are located in the basal layer of the epidermis. The main determinant of skin color is not the number but the activity of these melanocytes.
Inside melanocytes are pigment granules, called melanosomes, which contain tyrosinase (the pigmentation enzyme that is key to melanin production) and synthesized melanin. These substances are transported from the melanocytes to the keratinocytes, according to an approximate rate of 30 keratinocytes per melanocyte.
Melanin absorbs UV radiation from the sun’s rays in order to protect the skin. As long as sun exposure is limited, the result is an even tan. However, if the skin is exposed to too much sun, for a prolonged period of time, the activity of the melanocytes will increase and too much melanin will be produced.
The consequence will beappearance of age spots in most commonly exposed areas, such as the face, hands and décolleté. And as the skin ages, although the number of melanocytes decreases, those that remain increase in size and their distribution becomes more focused. In addition, the regulation of melanosomes also becomes less controlled. These physiological changes explain the increase in age spots in people over 40 years of age.
Lastly, the genetics may play a role in the development of age spots. If one parent or both have age spots, the probability that they will appear in the next generation is greater.

Treatments for age spots

Dermatologists use two main concepts: the elimination of the discoloration of the skin caused by hyperpigmentation and the regulation of the signs.
With respect to removal by chemical peel or laser therapyeach of these procedures can have side effects, such as irritation, inflammation and even burning, which can really trigger a , especially on skin with darker tones. They can also be expensive and invasive procedures.

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The chemical peelsFor example, AHA, implies an acidic and abrasive solution (glycolic acid -AHA), which is applied to the affected area to remove the superficial layers of the skin. The procedure initially induces the appearance of blisters. After resolution of the blisters, the presence of new, evenly pigmented skin is revealed underneath.
laser treatments (Fraxel, Erbium YAG) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). Similar but more precise treatments are available using laser therapy. In this case, the dermatologist “zaps” the affected areas with a high-energy light. Depending on gravity, the light will act on the superficial layer (epidermis) or penetrate the deeper layers of the skin.
A number of topical, medical, or skin care products are also available to regulate pigmentation. Most rely on one or more of the following essential components to lighten skin blemishes, even out normal skin coloration, and/or delay melanin production:

  • The hydroquinone at 2-4% it is a potent skin whitening agent, dispensable only by prescription, which has been banned in cosmetics in the EU since 2001, due to its potential toxicological risks and the likelihood of causing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It is available in lower concentrations (<2%) in some dermo cosmetics in the US.
  • kojic acid. It is a natural option derived from Japanese rice wine, sake. However, it is believed to be a rather weak inhibitor of melanin production and has also been banned in several countries.
  • Glycolic Acid. Not only is it used by dermatologists for chemical peels, but it is an active component in numerous topical creams for hyperpigmentation.
  • Vitamin C derivatives. They are frequently used in conjunction with other active components. These derivatives have been shown to be relatively effective against hyperpigmentation.
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In addition to regulating pigmentation, there are measures to prevent its appearance and key components to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

  • Solar protection. To prevent any further hyperpigmentation it is recommended to use a broad spectrum SPF sunscreen daily as part of a daily cleansing and care regimen.
  • arbutin. This natural source of hydroquinone is a key component in many skin bleaching products used in Asia. Although not as potent or effective as industrially produced hydroquinone, similar fears have been raised about its safety.
  • Retinoids (derivatives of vitamin A). Again, while they are relatively effective, they can irritate the skin and cause increased sun sensitivity (which, of course, can make hyperpigmentation worse). Retinoids are not considered suitable for pregnant or lactating women due to their potential links to birth defects.
  • B-resorcinol or butylresorcinol. A very effective component to reduce melanin production as it is a very potent inhibitor of tyrosinase (the melanin-forming enzyme) and has been clinically shown to start reducing dark spots in four weeks. It does not cause skin irritation, or very little, and is effective against the most important types of hyperpigmentation, such as melasma and age spots.

It is important to point out that results cannot be expected from one day to the next with respect to hyperpigmentation. It takes time for the signs to improve and remember to notify your dermatologist or pharmacist if any of your dark spots are new, have changed in appearance, or differ from your other spots.
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