Familiados offers the search service by map of caregivers

The Familiados startup has launched, within its platform, the map search functionality for caregivers, for families who need help caring for the elderly or dependents, and the job map search, for caregivers looking for work through its platform.

Since the appearance of Google Maps, map searches have been gaining market share and, in recent years, their implementation has become widespread. Aware of this, the startup relatives has created a tool that allows real-time

Thus, with more than 4,200 caregivers throughout Spain, Familiados allows you to search, find and meet health professionals, caregivers, nannies or babysitters, from your mobile, in a simple and intuitive way. Users (whether professionals or families) have at their disposal the map, the chat and the video call to get in touch and reach agreements.

The application allows you to see the profiles of nearby caregivers, their photos, training, experience, and the opinions of their clients, as well as their location. Obtaining all the necessary data so that the families who are searching can get a good idea of ​​who is taking care of their surroundings and have the ability to choose the person that best suits their needs.

On the other hand, in the care professionals section, the tool allows them to access all the offers in their area, or in other areas when they change location. Proximity is, therefore, one of the keys to the service.

Thus, the objective pursued with this novelty is to make sure that the families seeking caregivers have candidates (there are 9 women for every 10 candidates on average) within a maximum period of five minutes. Likewise, it is intended that caregivers who are actively looking for work receive opportunities on a daily basis.

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During 2021, the company has experienced unprecedented growth. The number of offers on the platform has multiplied by 10, offering more than 185,000 hours of care the last year. Today 20,000 families are part of its communityand more than 3,000 use it every month to find professionals.

Familiados has launched, within its platform, the map search for caregivers

The 3 basic pillars of the platform

The first of these is that Familiados works as a meeting pointor where families and professionals interact under the supervision of the team. So it ensures that all available profiles are trusted.

The second is thatworks like a community in which professionals value families, and families value professionals, when they interact.

Finally, the third is that it is transparent. Families can freely chat and video call with caregivers to complete their recruitment processes.

The supply and demand of care in Spain in 2021

According to the data of the report ‘Caring in Spain in 2021‘, there is more than 8 million people who need to be cared for in our country: more than 5 million children, and the rest older adults (2 million) or with some disability (1 million).

In order to serve you properly55% of the more than 4 million families that care for them require external help. And a large part of that help is sought on the Internet, specifically there are already more than 300,000 monthly searches for caregivers on the web. Consequently, care professionals are turning to the Internet as their main job search channel, with 43,000 monthly searches.

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In parallel, and in line with the previous Family members report on family conciliation in Spain 2021which revealed that women are the ones who are most responsible for this situation, the latest study reveals that 70% of searches are also done by women. And although professional care continues to be in the hands of a majority of women (more than 85% of people who provide professional care are women), a change in trend is beginning to be observed. In fact, Familiados reflects that, in the last two years, the percentage of women who start a profile to care professionally on its platform has fallen from 87% to 77%. Apparently caring professionally is beginning to be an attractive option also for men.

Finally, in relation to the professional level, the hour of care is paid at 14 euros in provinces such as Navarra, Barcelona or Guipuzkoa, while it barely reaches 10 euros in provinces such as Seville, A Coruña or Murcia.

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