How many of us will need a partner, a father, a mother, a brother, a son, a grandfather, a husband, among so many relatives who have come before us on this important date? It will not be easy to sit at the table and see the empty place of whoever could have occupied it.

But without a doubt this leads us to reflect on how lucky we are to have had them and if their absence hurts it is because they were an important and significant part of our lives and missing them is the price of so much love.

But who wouldn’t be willing to pay the price over and over again for everything they taught us, for everything we experienced, for all their love and for everything we shared? Gratitude is a way of honoring your existence. Have you ever wondered how your loved one would like to be remembered this holiday season? How do you want to honor his memory?

Remembering Those Who Are No Longer With Us, But Always Present In Our Hearts

It is normal for tears to arise and we are filled with sadness when an important date arrives and realize that our special person is no longer there, despite the adversities, it should fill us with hope and love to share with those we still have alive. We can give ourselves the opportunity to look up at the sky and give thanks for what we have, for what we had and for what is to come.


Next, I want to share with you a reflection on how to remember our loved ones during the holidays. Although these celebrations can be difficult without them, it’s important to find ways to honor their memory and stay connected with them.

To those who left too soon.
To those who left us without wanting to leave.
To those of us who no longer know if what we want is to hug them or to be hugged.
To those who shine up there every night.

To those we miss and who appear in our dreams.
To those of us who had to say goodbye accidentally, without expecting it.
To those who left us a mark, unforgettable moments and memories.
To those who make us shed a tear when passing through that special place.

To those who left us a little more alone, even if they are not completely gone.
To those who left us thousands of things to say.
To those who will always be, even if they never come back.

To those who one day we hope to see again.
In that sky, in that life and being able to hold them tight and not let go.
And tell them, even for the last time:
I love you.

Remember that returning to activities that we stopped doing after the loss of a loved one does not mean that we have forgotten it, but rather that we have learned to keep it in a special place in our hearts. This helps us understand that moving on does not mean forgetting our loved one, but rather it means finding a way to continue living and remembering them with love and gratitude. It is a natural and healthy process of adjusting and coping after a painful loss.


Perhaps the pain has not allowed you to see that someone cares about you. That someone needs you and is looking forward to a big hug from you. Raise your face and shine with the light of your own inner strength, always present in every step you take.

Let’s toast to our loved ones who are no longer with us physically, but who will always be present in our hearts and thoughts. We know that they accompany us from another place and that they will continue to be part of our lives forever.

“One day at a time, I accompany you in your mourning and I embrace you with my soul. Today and always a toast to those who accompany us from heaven.

By Aleja Bama