Encounters with my soul: A journey without distance

The reader is free to choose how he wants to read the book. “Encounters with my soul”, as a story, as parables or as symbolic stories based on experiences of the author. What really matters is the experience of a soul that is embodied in these pages.

It is a transition between various stages to reach a state of fullness and understanding of the nature of life itself. With the different stories that are told, the reader is invited to follow the same path.

In this podcast Enric Corbera explains the journey back home according to A Course in Miracles.

In this conference, Enric Corbera tells us about a journey without distances, the process of self-knowledge in which we are all immersed at different stages and which we all need to act freely and coherently with ourselves.

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Encounters with my soul: His inspiration in A Course in Miracles

Part of the title of this book makes a pun on the way in which Robert Skutch, one of the compilerstells how it came to be and that it has been the original inspiration for Enric Corbera to create “Encounters with my soul”.

The essenceit is precisely a journey to a deep encounter with ourselves. In this sense, the book describes Y proposes a trip to the unconscious to make it consciousculminating with a reflection on maturity and spiritual development.

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The protagonist of “: A journey without distance” is and that, sooner or later, a process of personal growth will begin whose destiny is always oneself.

The life cycle of the soul

The quest to fully understand the futility of the world in which we live takes years. The book shows that, in that process, implies understanding that there is only life.

In this metaphorical story, what we call death is simply a passage from one state to another, the same as when we come to this world, but in reverse.

In this sense, “Encounters with my soul” refers to the fact that our soul lives various experienceswith different avatars –bodies- that live and relive, over and over again, experiences in this world or in others.

“Every difficulty can become the door of a new birth.”

The dark night of the soul

The first part of the book expresses sadness and the desire to leave this world for the boredom and pain caused by observing human stupidityof how the separation is fed in all areas.

See the action of the human being polluting the environment; observe how hatred and greed are fed and, above all, how the cult of the body is exacerbated as a supreme value, makes the soul ache.

In the second part of “Encounters with my soul: A journey without distance”, the author describes the dark experience the soul goes through. Going through it and living it allows you.

The highest and most beautiful things in life should not be heard, read, or seen, but, if you will, they should be lived.”

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The journey without distance of the soul

In the third part of the book we can share the author’s dream trips in which the soul lives various experiences: that of the poor, that of the wise and that of the emperor. Each of them reveals how to live what we need to live.

“Encounters with my soul” is a book inspired by this guide and, therefore, the reader is free to experience it with the mind he wants, but he must be sure that it will remove your soul.

This will allow you to begin to see your problems with another perception and sense. The reward will be peace.

“Awakening” is becoming aware

“Encounters with my soul: A journey without distance” comes to be of a mind that believes it lives in dualityin separation, until you know and understand that everything is interconnected and related.

It is a mind that becomes aware that we are energy, therefore information, and that, as such, we vibrate. This information produces a resonance that attracts into our life, in the full sense of these words, the circumstances that are consistent with our open-mindedness, with our conscience.

Finding the soul through others

Finally, our soul recognizes itself by seeing itself in the souls of others, since, in reality, for our mind there is no one else, since in others we only see what we perceive of them. Therefore, each encounter is with oneself and these become essential to transcend dual consciousness towards a.

“Beyond the world of opposites there is an invisible, but experienced, unity and identity in all of us.”

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When we complete this process nothing changes, everything remains the same, but we no longer live the experiences of our lives with the same perceptionwith the same awareness.


The wish that this book keeps is that we all make this trip that. A destination that is not an end but a full stop. A new life experience.

The hard times of the soul’s journey are the anvil where strength and wisdom are developed. All soul encounters forge their mastery and they open the doors to live other realities, if we choose that way of seeing and living life.

You can read the first pages.

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