How to build a healthy relationship?

Relationships are an important part of people’s lives, from adolescence to old age. Although not all of them last forever, they become that space in which time, emotions, feelings, goals and life itself are shared with a special person. However, It’s not just about spending time is essential to build a healthy relationship that brings balance and happiness to life.

But what makes a healthy relationship? The most important thing is that both people feel calm, respected, valued and loved. May each one have the space and the opportunity to show themselves as they are and develop according to their desires and their life purpose. That is why it is important, when starting a relationship as a couple go beyond physical attraction and the desire to share time with someone else.

Healthy relationships should be built on the basis of assertive communication and from love, mutual respect and trust. Self-love, physical, emotional and sexual boundaries and respect for them are also essential to creating a healthy connection. Learn the three most important aspects to build healthy bonds.

Pillars of a healthy relationship

Assertive communication

Communicating from love and respect is essential for build and strengthen couple relationships. Learn what that communication should be like:

  • Each person should feel comfortable expressing their emotions, frustrations, concerns.
  • In a healthy relationship, disagreements can occur and be resolved respectfully.
  • Using degrading language and not expressing each other’s needs can be detrimental to the relationship.
  • Disagreements should be free of blame, manipulation, intimidation, violence or threats of violence.
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Trust is an essential aspect in all types of relationships, even more so in the case of relationships in which the level of intimacy is much higher than in the case, for example, of friendship. Learn to Identify what happens when there is no trust in the relationship.

  • If there is trust, there should be no jealousy.
  • When there is a lack of trust, behaviors such as: resentment about the time spent with other people and surveillance of communications occur.
  • When there is a basis of trust, the members of the couple do not feel threatened by the other person’s family or friendship relationships.

Respect for limits

Identifying each person’s limits, communicating them and ensuring that they are respected by the other person is a key factor for build a healthy relationship. Identify what it looks like when boundaries are not respected:

  • Bringing up emotional wounds or past traumas in arguments is a clear sign of not respecting emotional boundaries.
  • Not practicing safe sex, pressuring the other person to agree to sexual activity even when they don’t feel comfortable, sabotaging birth control, or ignoring safe words constitute violating sexual boundaries.
  • Physical boundaries are violated when personal space is not respected, even more so in discussions; Physical contact is used in a way that the other person does not feel comfortable with and when a certain behavior makes one of the people involved uncomfortable and it continues to be repeated even though they have expressed their discomfort.

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Recommendations for a healthy relationship

Although there are no perfect relationships and each one has its particularities, there are some characteristics that allow you to identify a healthy bond. Learn about the following features below:

  • Avoid idealizing the relationship. Relationships are not the same all the time, they undergo changes over time.
  • Take care of the relationship. Relationships are not built alone, they require attention and joint work.
  • Quality time together. The desire to spend time together and for this quality time to be shared is essential to building and maintaining a healthy bond.
  • Live with the differences. The strength of the relationship comes from knowing and respecting each other’s points of view.
  • Don’t seek to change your partner, accept the difference. It is common that in a relationship each person must give in to some aspects; However, it is not okay to want to change the other person.
  • Encourage proper communication. Have a listening attitude and avoid assuming a defensive posture.
  • Without trust you cannot sustain a relationship. If there are no reasons to distrust, showing this type of attitude negatively affects the relationship.
  • Be honest. To cultivate trust in a couple, honesty is essential.
  • Respect your partner. Respect is essential for there to be love.
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It requires interest, effort and reciprocal work. Both parties must be equally committed to building together. The moment the effort is only on one of the parties, the relationship begins to have problems and the bond may no longer be healthy. So pay attention to the characteristics of your relationship and in the work that it demands to be calm and harmonious.

Through the # Movement You can educate yourself on the importance of building healthy bonds with those special people in your life. Additionally, if you feel that your boundaries have been violated by your partner, we can provide you with support, you can. Also, you can learn more about the and to our cause.