Learn what is the maximum period to report a case of sexual abuse

When cases of sexual abuse Victims often do not report it when it occurs. Many survivors prefer to remain silent for years. Shame and guilt, fear that they will not be believed and that the perpetrator may do something against them or their family, and distrust in authorities are some of the most frequent motivations for victims of abuse. sexual decide to remain silent.

Statistical data reveal that 85% of victims of childhood sexual abuse will not reveal their experience or will do so many years after the episode. Likewise, the figures show that Only 2% of cases of abuse are known at the time they occur.

Although in the United States sexual abuse is a serious crime that can be punished with severe sentences such as life imprisonment, Each state has different legislation and in each one there is a period of time in which this type of crime can be reported.. Once this period has expired, a legal process can no longer be initiated.

Although it is well known that talking about sexual abuse is very difficult for those who have been victims of this crime, The recommendation will always be to report as soon as possible these types of events. In this way, the authorities will be able to quickly proceed with the corresponding investigations and processes, and will also have access to sufficient evidence to obtain positive results.

What is the deadline to report sexual abuse in the United States?

He The maximum time limit to report a case of sexual abuse in the United States depends on the type of abuse and the state in which the crime was committed.. In most cases, it is possible to file a complaint after 10 years if it is a sexual assault.

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When it comes to a case of child sexual abuse, The deadline for filing a complaint begins when the victim turns 18 years of age..

Below you will find some of the states in which it is possible to file a complaint for sexual abuse after 10 years after the events occurred:

Connecticut: 30 years, starting when the victim turns 18 years of age, for cases of sexual abuse and child exploitation.

Columbia: 15 years for the crime of sexual abuse in the first or second degree.

Georgia: 18 years for cases of sexual abuse against minors under 14 years of age, and 15 years for victims of forced rape.

Illinois: 20 years after the victim turns 18 years of age, in cases of child sexual abuse.

Indiana: Victims of child sexual abuse can report until they turn 31 years old.

Massachusetts: 15 years for the crime of rape and sexual abuse.

Snowfall: Victims of child sexual abuse can report until they are 36 years old.

Pennsylvania: 12 years for crimes of sexual abuse and rape.

Vermont: 40 years for cases of sexual abuse against minors.

Wisconsin: Victims of child sexual abuse can file a complaint until they turn 31 years of age.

In states such as Alaska, Delaware, Mississippi, Kentucky, Utah, North Carolina and South Carolina There is no statute of limitations for the crimes of sexual abuse and child sexual abuse.. Likewise, in Florida this crime does not prescribe when the victim is under 16 years of age.

Always, when filing a complaint for sexual abuse, it is essential consult the criminal statute of limitations of the state in which the events occurred.

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How should a victim of sexual abuse proceed?

As already mentioned, it is best to report sexual abuse at the time it occurs. However, when it is not possible to make an immediate report, the victim must:

  • Undergo a forensic examination after the abuse. This evaluation can be very valuable when reporting.
  • Make an anonymous report. Some states allow a completely anonymous report to be made and once the victim decides to file a formal complaint, the investigation begins.
  • Make a personal report with details of the event. In the case of states that do not accept an anonymous report, it is important that the victim make a personal report with all the details of the case. This can be used at the time the person decides to formally report.
  • Store objects associated with the event. Keeping clothing or other objects used during the abuse and that may have traces of the perpetrator can serve as evidence if a report is filed.

It may be that at the time of the events the survivor is not ready to make the report; nevertheless, Following these steps can help you make the decision, and can also serve as evidence.

Where to seek help to report abuse?

When a case of sexual abuse occurs, The most advisable thing is to go to the authorities to report; However, there are also some help lines where you can seek support and accompaniment. Some of those lines are:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (for Spanish press 2)
  • Elder Abuse: 1-800-677-1116 (dial 2 for Spanish).
  • State Agency for Child Protective Services: 1-800-843-5678 (press 5 for Spanish)
  • Hearing Impaired Line: 1-800-826-7653
  • Stop it Now Line: 1-888-773-2362).
  • Childhelp: 1-800-422-4453).
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Do not forget that silence is conducive to sexual abuse continuing to occur, hence the importance of timely reporting. Speaking out is the only way to stop the “silent pandemic” of sexual abuse.

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