Online Master’s Degree in Bioneuroemotion –

All students who pass the Master in Bioneuroemoción® will have access to a virtual professional community located on the official website of the () which will serve as a directory of Companions with said degree.

In this way, students will have at their disposal the official channels of for its promotion and disseminationshowing your professional profile to all users who access the portal and are interested in holding a Bioneuroemoción® session.

Therefore, through the Master you not only receive a superior certification, but also endorses graduates in such a way that he is responsible for his conduct and professional performance.

Note: Currently, is carrying out the necessary steps to establish a Professional College regulated by the state regulations of Mexico, a country where Bioneuroemoción® is officially recognized and regulated. In this sense, the objective is that students with the Master’s degree in Bioneuroemoción® belong directly to said Professional College and their conduct is regulated by the principles stipulated in the code of ethics that regulates the management of the Bioneuroemoción® method.

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