What are personality disorders and how are they classified?

An expert explains how many types of personality disorders there are and how they are classified.

It is a mental condition that a person can have due to having certain patterns of behavior and thoughts at a social and cultural level.

How are personality disorders classified?

In three groups:

  • In the first group, group A, are people who are eccentric or who can be considered “strange”, that is, those who have a paranoid, schizotypal or schizoid condition. The lack of trust in them is very noticeable.
  • In group B those who are erratic or a little sensitive and dramatic. This group is made up of people with narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial personality ), are characterized by the difficulty they have in managing what is happening around them and with themselves.
  • In C, those who are anxious, fearful or even dependent, people with (by avoidance and dependence. They find it difficult to be alone for a long time or have very specific behavior patterns.

At what age can they occur?

They usually begin in adolescence or early adulthood; However, there are some borderline disorders that have features that begin in childhood.

Which is more common in men and women?

As additional information, the narcissistic disorder of personality is usually more associated with men And in the women is histrionic personality disorder.

What is the most serious personality disorder?

We cannot talk about a serious term, since it is an adaptation issue, but the disorder that has The most difficult thing in this regard is borderline personality disorder.

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