How to heal the relationship with the mother?

In addition to acknowledging the wound with the mother, you must work on healing it. This will allow you to have a better quality of emotional and physical life. Find out here how to do it.

In order to heal these wounds, it is necessary recognition and acceptance of the fears and needs that were experienced in childhood.

This will allow understand the motivations one has for wanting to be liked, seeking approval, trying to be perfect, wanting attention or being rebellious.

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On the other hand, it must also be understood that the mother comes from a mother who, at times, was not supported or valued. Understand that Both contributed the best they had and accepting that they did the best they could with their emotional resources is liberating and allows for healing.

Leaving aside the resentment and pain regarding the experiences lived and his mother does not mean denying what he experienced, but rather it allows one to open oneself to seeing things from another, more loving and compassionate perspective.

If you feel that something more is needed, Sonia Barahona, maternal wound coach, proposes a ‘journaling’ exercise that will allow you, through writing, to break with what you do not dare to say or recognize:

  1. What is the version of mother that you long for?
  2. What is it that you have always wanted to say to him, but have never dared to?
  3. In response to mom’s words or actions, what do you say to yourself that hurts you so much?
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