How normal is it to dislike a family member? Look what you can do

There is an approach in the collective imagination that one should get along with all their family members, but reality is not always like that. To do?

According to the psychologist there can be many explanations for a person to distance themselves or appear uncomfortable with their family members.

“It is not because of evil, nor because of being a denaturalized son, father or brother. It is because being a family does not miraculously mean that we get along well, love each other, enjoy sharing activities and can’t wait to spend time together,” the expert explained.

That is to say, you should not feel like a bad human being for not having an affinity with a person who shares your same blood.

“Considering that, in this specific case, the person is a direct family member, it is very important to start working on the feelings of guilt that this can cause, it is part of human nature and belonging to the family does not ensure that they are a pleasant person. It doesn’t even depend on the affection or gratitude you may feel towards that person, it is enough that their way of being is not compatible with yours to experience feelings of displeasure.“, said the ontological coach Constanza Toro Larrañaga, in an interview with the portal .

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However, for the expert, this does not mean that you should distance yourself from the entire family circle: “Instead of completely withdrawing from family events, a good strategy is to expose yourself little: not paying attention to certain conversations, not sitting next to the person, bringing to consciousness what you feel and understanding that it is not bad or unimportant, but rather it is something natural and more common than you think. Don’t feel guilty about it, but rather act in a way that makes you feel good.”.

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In addition to the above, he gave advice for treating those people you dislike and here are some:

  • Accept the situation
  • Be polite
  • Breathe before you speak
  • Let your annoyance show with elegance

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