10 keys to know what to do if your partner has depression

Many times we do not know how to act when our partner suffers from depression. If you have doubts about this, here we tell you some keys that may help you.

Every relationship works from an emotional bond which includes a mutual and constant commitment, support, joint work and joint construction of a future project, therefore it is hardly normal that, if your partner suffers from an illness, you want to take care of him, help him and support him to cope with said condition or, if possible, overcome it. The same thing happens with a mood disorder such as depression.

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cope and treat depression is not an easy task, given the specific relational dynamics that operate in a couple, which They are usually affected when you suffer from an illnessand they range from mutual collaboration in household chores or the enjoyment of free time to the enjoyment of the other, desire, sexual health, etc.

Many times, who lives with a partner with depression tends to have feelings of guilt or frustration because it is considered part of the causes of the suffering of your loved one or not knowing how to act. But these and other thoughts they do not favor the treatment and, surely, they occur due to a lack of clear understanding of the condition.

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  1. Try to understand what depression is about: Know that depression It is a mood disorder and not a simple emotion It will be of great help to learn how to act in your relationship, without judging your partner or believing that the symptoms they may suffer are personal attacks or whimsas sometimes happens.
  2. Don’t downplay symptoms: It is essential, to help the well-being of our partner and, therefore, our relationship, do not underestimate the moments in which the symptoms manifest themselves most intensely of depression.
  3. Your partner needs you (even if he doesn’t say it): Many times depression includes behaviors such as isolation, excessive introspection, permanent discouragement and else. However, in those moments, Although it may not seem like it, your partner needs your support and comprehension.
  4. Listen: Yes, it seems obvious, but it is not. In most cases where depression is suffered, the very fact of Being able to count on someone to listen to them is of great value. Venting, crying, expressing what they feel is liberating and will always be helpful.
  5. Don’t pressure her: Attempt induce a mood through words or other symbolic language to your partner won’t help you. Don’t try to ask him to think differently, to calm down or calm down.. This doesn’t make much sense in a case of depression. Instead you can suggest specific activities that can help the anxiety disorder or, as we already said, simply actively listen.
  6. Use empathy: Of course, empathizing is not always easy, but in any health condition there are few tools more useful and valuable than putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. You know your partner, much of their personal history and their way of being, use all this to empathize with them.
  7. Do not blame yourself: As we said at the beginning, it often happens that we get frustrated or blame ourselves for our partner’s illness. This constitutes an error. Although it is true that a large part of illnesses originate in relationship with others, this It does not mean that we are the reason that our partner has a certain condition.. Avoid taking it to the personal level mental health pathologies is an essential aspect to help those who suffer from it cope with it in a better way.
  8. Seeks to motivate her to ask for help: Consult a professional surely It will be one of the best decisions to make when you have a mental health condition. Help your partner see the advantages and find a suitable person to work on their condition.
  9. Don’t neglect your own mental health: It is clear that all of the above aspects are not easy to carry out and that they also carry a specific emotional burden. Always remain attentive to your own emotional state and take care of your health as much as that of your partner. You yourself can turn to support groups and professionals to take care of yourself and help take care of your partner.
  10. Go to therapy together: Therapy will function as further support for the relationship and will contribute to the good health of not only both of you, but of both of you as a couple.
See also  22 activities that can help you during an episode of depression

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