Code of Ethics –

This document includes the deontological norms corresponding to the management of the Bioneuroemoción method, establishing the rules of conduct that the Companion in Bioneuroemoción® must comply with.

assumes as one of its primary objectives the promotion, development, dissemination and compliance with the regulations set forth in this document.

The Companion in Bioneuroemoción® must at all times keep in mind that the objective of Bioneuroemoción® is to promote and facilitate the well-being of people. That is why he must ensure the quality of his exercise, which is why ongoing training is an ethical duty and a responsibility.

The duty of the Companion in Bioneuroemoción® is to provide customer service without the interference of economic, ideological, political, religious, nationality, sex, race, social or personal motivations of the client.

The Companion in Bioneuroemoción®, in all his actions, must ensure to guarantee the client’s right to dignity, respect for the client’s autonomy of will and privacy, being scrupulously respected, as well as ensuring that the client knows Bioneuroemoción® and, therefore, that the client expressly consents to the realization of an accompaniment.

The principles and rules established below must always guide the conduct of the Companion in Bioneuroemoción® during the application of their sessions to third parties (clients). These principles are the following:

Both the and the Companions in Bioneuroemoción® have the obligation to comply with each and every one of the principles and values ​​of the Code of Ethics or Conduct that appears published on the corporate website and communicated to all those involved in the company. .

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The Code of Ethics will be reviewed and updated once a year and in any case when circumstances justify said update. All rights reserved.