What are family constellations?

Have you heard of the Family Constellations? It is a therapeutic dynamic created by the psychotherapist, educator and ex-Catholic priest Bert Hellinger, which aims to address conflict resolution, increase self-knowledge and promote personal change.

The Bioneuroemotion is a methodology that, in addition to addressing the conflicts that are experienced by analyzing family relationships from a systemic perspective, is based on knowledge of modern physics, biology, behavioral epigenetics and different philosophical currents to address each problem from a different point of view. broader view.

In this article we explain what Family Constellations consist of and how this therapy differs from Bioneuroemotion, methodology that addresses conflicts and difficulties from a perspective that is probably broader and more decisive.

In this connection, Enric Corbera offers some keys to identify the family psycho-emotional legacy that is influencing our lives. This knowledge gives us the understanding necessary to overcome difficulties, develop our abilities and improve our lives.

In this video, Víctor Villalobos conducts a live case showing how to carry out an inquiry with the aim of identifying the unconscious information, inherited from the family system, that keeps us trapped, in order to release it and begin to choose how we want to live.

If you want to learn more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow us on our social networks: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations are a therapeutic tool aimed at identifying the type of relationships established between the different members of the family system.

Each member of the family is conceived as the archetype it representsthat is, not as the person he is, but as what he represents for the person who is constellated.

Objectives of the Family Constellations

The main objective is that the person can identify harmful unconscious dynamics that have set in in your family and the attitudes and behaviors that have been generated among its members.

This information, on the one hand, allows the person reinterpret dysfunctional family patterns that reproduces unconsciously, to find solutions to entrenched conflicts.

And, on the other hand, the constellation pretends awaken the feelings and emotions that are latent in the unconscious of the person, so that he can manage them and reconcile with certain people and events of the past.

Bert Hellinger and the fundamentals of Family Constellations

Is family insight therapy, or psychotherapeutic technique, was founded in the 1990s by the German psychotherapist, educator and former Catholic priest Bert Hellinger. The theoretical framework is based on psychoanalytic theory, family systemic therapy and Gestalt therapy.

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Family Constellationsso, They focus on the individual in relation to their network of family ties, offering an experiential experience that promotes understanding and acceptance that favors .

“The family has a memory.

What comes to light from her is a gift to us.”

–Bert Hellinger

How is a Family Constellation made?

Although it is not considered a group therapy, this therapeutic dynamic usually done in small groups, from 5 to 12 people, including the constellator or therapist who leads the session. However, sometimes there have been Family Constellations with hundreds of people or individually.

It consists of a single meeting that usually lasts several hours where the participants who wish can “constellar” a situation or conflict, which they briefly present to the group. In this session, other participants are chosen by the client (in some cases by the therapist) to “represent” the people who make up the client’s family and for himself/herself.

These reproduce unconscious attitudes and emotions that would be related to the family experiences of the person performing the therapy, shedding light on the problem raised. In this representation the person can see and make conscious the kind of relationships that have been established between the different members of your family in a symbolic way.

The result of the constellation is an image-solution from which no definitive conclusion can be drawnsimply look, feel and let it do its job.

Scope of Family Constellations

Practical solutions and tools

The work that is done in the Family Constellations can bring understanding and inner peace. The practical solutions and tools that they propose are aimed, above all, at resolving family conflicts rather than encourage the development of personal resources.

In many cases, it can be comfortingfor example, for people who have suffered the loss of a loved one suddenly or early and, also, it turns out to be reconciler for women who lost a child during pregnancy, either induced or natural.

However, considering that the result of a family constellation is an image-solution, only and be helpful, when the customer shows enough towards his own life.

Take the focus of attention away from yourself

Therefore, if the initial conflict has to do with a lack of development of an own resourcesuch as self-confidence, or dysfunctional behavior characterized by a lack of responsibility, then a Family Constellation may not be the most suitable tool for the person

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It could even confuse her, because emphasizes the conflicts in your family network instead of putting it on itself.

In this case it could be more useful to learn to develop your personal resources to increase your ability to “digest” personal work, training his presence, his responsibility and the resources that allow you to reinterpret each difficult situation, lived and to live, from a more functional perspective for your life.

step into action

One of the limitations that the method of the Family Constellations It is that people believe that by doing a session their problems will disappear or that they stay in the phase of making constellations, processing duels, writing letters, etc., without taking conscious action.

Those who without making significant changes in their own life they expect something around them to changethey remain anchored in a victimizing position that generates frustration and suffering.

“Things don’t change; we change”

Henry David Thoreau

In short, the Family Constellations They are an accompaniment that guides people to know the impact on themselves of the conflicts in their family network, but their inquiry tools may not make it easy to reach the deepest and most individual root of them. In this sense, they are not always addressed to develop client’s own resources.

What is Bioneuroemotion and how is it different from Family Constellations?

Fundamentals of the Bioneuroemotion methodology

Bioneuroemotion, like Family Constellations, addresses the conflicts that the person experiences by analyzing their .

However, it does not remain in an emotional approach, but is based on the knowledge of modern physics, biology, and different philosophical currents to address each problem and each specific case from a broader point of view.

How is a session carried out in Bioneuroemoción?

one is made individual session in which one accompanies the person to carry out an investigation with the objective of related to your reason for consultation.

It is important to note that the companion in Bioneuroemoción does not let the consultant speak too much to avoid contaminating his ego. Try to keep a clean mindand for this he asks specific questions and works on the description of stressful scenes.

Observe all the information in an objective way, preventing your client from focusing on to stay in the conflict.

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So instead of rejecting the conflictand seek peace at all costs, is faced, assumed and It is used to carry out learning that ends up becoming a tool of personal growth, thus contributing practical action resources.

“Misfortunes, like fortune, only come
when we have sought them with our actions.”

– Confucius

The objective is to understand the connection between perception, interpretation and belief system, with what happens and the personal history of each individual.

In this way, resilience is fully and deeply fostered because each person learns to overcome stress the problem, not avoiding it.

Objectives of Bioneuroemotion

These are the main objectives of Bioneuroemotion:

  • Grasp about current difficulties and identify the unconscious information that is at the origin of emotional conflicts.
  • identify the to understand the meaning that conflicts have in the family and personal system, facilitating their resolution and transcendence.
  • Learn negative experiences from the past and transform them into learning that allows managing difficult situations in the present.
  • get tools aimed at resolving conflicts and managing the impact that emotions have on health and the quality of relationships in all areas of life: , , etc.
  • generate a through the awarenessundoing the causes of stress and thus reducing its impact on health.
  • Complement to any therapy/treatment/approach. It is not therapy in itself, but a catalyst for processes of .

In summary, it is a methodology that does not remain on the surface of the events experienced, but rather offers a new vision about what happened and how it influences our current problems, contributing tools and resources for the resolution and transcendence of difficulties.

Bioneuroemotion: A fast and precise method

Bioneuroemotion focuses on the principle that we are energy, information, and therefore we resonate. therefore you simply have to observe and make an inversion of thought to identify implicit learning in each difficult situation.

This methodology includes Strategies that allow you to get to the root of conflicts accurately and quickly, such as: the study of discourse, non-verbal language, micro-expressions and the study of symbols and archetypes. These and other disciplines make it possible to recognize and use all the unconscious information that the person manifests.

Therefore, the client or consultant does not need to look for any type of information, because in Bioneuroemoción we consider that he carries all of it. It is not necessary to look for dates or anything similar and in a single session, it is possible…