How to develop INTUITION – 15 steps

Developing intuition might seem like a method that we must learn and incorporate as something new and foreign to us. However, developing intuition consists of a process of recovering an original and innate way of perception in the human being. Empiricism and rationalism have brought many advances to our society but have been a detriment to our intuitive listening. Recovering this way of experiencing our environment will give us back at least part of the lost balance.

From we want to delve a little into the importance of intuition and how to develop it.

What is intuition

Defining intuition is not an easy task. There are thousands of studies on this matter with theorists from a wide variety of disciplines who have dedicated themselves to its study and description, trying to decipher the complexity that this process entails. However, we can start by saying that the word intuition comes from the Latin verb intuition which means contemplating in detail. It is composed of the prefix inwhich indicates interiority, and the verb tueor which means to watch and observe. Intuition could then be defined as the action of contemplating in detail from and within.

Intuition according to authors

This type of contemplation of the experience in oneself requires a clear and unimpeded connection with what surrounds us. Osho describes it in his book “Intuition” as the clear and direct perception of reality without any interference from the mind. It is, in reality, a human functioning that acts far beyond logic and intellect.

Intuition and spirituality

In reality, for many spiritual currents, intuition is our true voice, lives inside us and really knows what is best for us at all times. It is a guide that connects people with each other and with the entire universe. However, this voice has been silenced over time by logic and reasoning due to the dominant value that has been given to it in our society.

How to develop intuition and activate the sixth sense

Albert Einstein said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift”

The predominance of cognitive functioning in human beings supposes a separation and disintegration of all knowledge. Rationalism is analytical and dissects everything into parts to, according to its approach, access knowledge in greater detail.

He intuitive knowledgeOn the contrary, it requires a global perception, a connection of all the parts, a perception of the whole. The intuition perceives signals that stand out among the totality of what is perceived. To do this, it requires a being integrated as a whole with itself and with the reality it inhabits. In this state, the small signals that manifest through intuitive perception are detected.

An intuitive person has united mind, body and spirit in a unique functioning and it is through this and the opening of his five senses that his intuition, the sixth sense, perceives the reality that surrounds him in a way that is nothing like the functioning rational: logical thinking works with associations, deliberations, rules, structures, etc.; intuition works with sensations, impressions, emotions, subtleties, etc.

How to develop intuition in children

In the case of boys and girls it is not so much about developing intuition as about not disconnecting it. They are precisely the ones who are most connected to this intuitive knowledge since Human beings are born totally connected to this type of perceptual processing.. However, over the years, the development of rational thinking and the overvaluation that education and society in general give to logical thinking cause intuitive perception to lose its strength and, with it, its presence. It would therefore be about:

  • Trust more in children’s innate intuitive capacity.
  • Put aside our dogmatic reasoning.
  • Let go of our mental schemes.
  • Pay attention to and respect the subtle perceptions that children are capable of experiencing by being more connected to that universal part of the human being, their intuition.

How to develop intuition: 15 tips

Developing intuition would be more of a task for adults who, by neglecting it in favor of reason, have disconnected from it. However, it lives inside us and is only about listen to it again to get it back. The following tips will allow us to reconnect with our intuitive perception:

  1. Comfort. Put on comfortable clothes and grab a mat or cushion.
  2. Tranquillity. Find a quiet place where no one will bother you for at least half an hour.
  3. Music. You can accompany yourself with relaxing music.
  4. Relaxed position. Sit cross-legged and close your eyes.
  5. Attention. Observe what happens inside you.
  6. Perception. Listen to the thoughts that go through your mind, just listen to them.
  7. Sensation. Feel which parts of your body are tense, gradually moving throughout your entire body, from your feet to your head. Just watch.
  8. Present. Listen, feel, perceive what is happening around you (sounds, noises, temperature, etc.)
  9. Breathing. Pay attention to the breathing.
  10. Contemplation. Breathe deeply while continuing to observe what is happening inside you, with your body, with your thoughts (5-10 times): inhale filling your chest and lungs and exhale slowly emptying them.
  11. Display. Continue breathing deeply and ask your body to swell like a balloon as you inhale and as you exhale, drag all the tension in your body away from you (5-10 times).
  12. Interest. Keep observing everything that happens inside you: body tension/distension, positive or negative thoughts, sensations,…
  13. Release. Breathe in, filling your chest and choose to open it, open your spiritual heart. There is the voice of intuition.
  14. Curiosity. Stay in that state and observe
  15. Intuition. Notice the differences that occur in you (emotions, body sensations, thoughts) when your heart is open. Those voices, sensations, etc. correspond to intuition. The rest of the thoughts, sensations, etc. They arise from the beliefs and cognitive schemes that we have developed throughout our lives and that govern our lives in a rational (and often absurd) way.

For this practice to be effective, it is important not only to practice it regularly but also to integrate it as part of one’s life. In reality it is about recovering our own original language that fell dormant when accepting many of the rational guidelines of this world. The following can also help you.

The important thing about this practice is to learn to differentiate when intuition speaks to us (original and innate to our human essence) and when the rational mind speaks to us (product created by the assumption of beliefs resulting from our life path). The most important sign to differentiate them is that intuition will always make us feel at peace with ourselves. On the contrary, the mind will often cause us discomfort (emotional, physical, psychological, etc.). The importance of this discernment goes far beyond recovering intuition. It involves a process of personal liberationrecover our true voice, thereby healing our wounds.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. The Esoteric Guide. “How to recover the intuition”. Retrieved from:
  2. Gaia Guide. “Practical guide to recover intuition.” Recovered from:


  • Contreras Martín, C., Gómez Ochoa LS (2012). “Intuitive intelligence as a path in the creative process. Master in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations”. Faculty of Human and Business Sciences. Autonomous University of Manizales
  • Vargas Pacheco, CA (2020). “Intuition-listening in the encounter with the other.” Haser. International Journal of Applied Philosophy, nº11, 2020, pp.13-35. Sevilla University.
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