GET ROOTED IN REALITY — Get to know us

The depressed person is like falling into a hole. The hole is actually in her feelings, or more specifically in her body.

The hole in one’s feelings is the feeling of inner emptiness that many individuals complain about.

In the body it is a lack of sensation in the belly. Why is the belly so important?

The answer is that it is the seat of life.

You literally sit on your own belly, and in this way you maintain contact through it with your pelvic floor, sexual organs and legs.

What we call rooting the individual consists in sensitizing the belly so that the person can feel his entrails and sensitizing his legs until he feels them as mobile roots.

The person who is rooted in this way feels that he has a firm footing in the earth beneath him and possesses the courage to stand or move on it as he pleases.

To be rooted is to be in contact with reality. It is said of a person who is in contact with reality that he “has his feet on the ground.”

An individual who is well rooted does not act based on illusions, he does not need them.

And vice versa: the person who clings to his illusions, whether he really needs them or not, remains in the clouds, without ever taking root.
However, the task of rooting is not easy.

There are deep anxieties that block the way, among which is the fear that no one will help you if you let go.

See also  COLD SORES: Emotional cause and how to cure it definitively.

When the patient begins to allow sensations to arise in his belly, he will invariably cry.

He will cry as much from the sadness of a life without faith as from the joy of seeing that he can change that state of affairs.

Not only will tears flow, her whole body will convulse with sobs, sometimes painful, sometimes pleasurable.

By suppressing the sensations in his belly, he had suppressed his childish crying, realizing that he was no longer giving him the love, security, and comfort he needed.

As the sensation returns, the feelings return, not just once but many times, until the pain of the past is completely removed.
Extract from «Depression and the body». Alexandre Lowen. Editorial Alliance

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