Superficial relationships are important too

In Psychology-Online we have frequently talked about the importance of true love or deep friendship in a person’s happiness. However, it should be noted that on an emotional level, the most superficial relationships, such as, for example, the bond with acquaintances or companionship also adds self-esteem and positive thinking to a person who feels integrated in an environment of relationships. The simple act of walking down the street and being greeted by a person is a gratifying gesture. Valuing all relationships in their proper context is an important step in not undervaluing relationships that add value even if their value is less than that of true friendship.

Reflections on this

Superficial relationships are also based on respect, cordiality and coexistence. On the other hand, a superficial relationship can often be the starting point of a deeper bond, since every friendship has its growth process that starts from scratch. superficial relationships add self-esteem to the life. Inner conflict and discomfort arise when a person only has such relationships with others.

In that case, you may feel empty as you feel that these relationships do not truly fulfill you. It is clear that superficial relationships cannot fill the gaps not covered by true friendship.

One area in which many superficial relationships are established is at work. An environment in which camaraderie is key to working comfortably. The most superficial relationships are those in which not as much level of intimacy is shared as in true friendship. And despite that, very pleasant and relaxed moments are shared in this type of relationship, even if it is from a different perspective.

Social beings by nature

Human beings are social by nature and need the company of family, friends and acquaintances to feel fully well. Constant loneliness is very painful.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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