Emotional conflicts that affect HAIR and how to solve them

Hair symbolizes freedom and power, which is why soldiers cut their hair, a sign that they have been deprived of their own freedom and power and that they have been left under another authority.

Also nuns and monks, when they cut their hair, is a sign that they have voluntarily submitted to a superior power and that they have renounced their individuality.

Hair, the hair system in general, in all animal species and in humans, also has a fundamentally protective function.

They protect the body from both physical and thermal shocks. The fact of losing it is an indication that the person gets rid of the protection of it.

It also symbolizes vitality (Samson and Delilah), physical strength and virility in man.

The more vitality a person has, the more abundant his hair and the faster it grows.

In the same way it is an element of seduction and power of attraction in women.

There is also a close relationship between fears and hair.

In general, hair represents the image that I have of myself, the strength, the courage, the confidence that I have in myself and in my abilities. Any hair problem represents that I cannot (for whatever reason) be “myself”.

Separation conflict plus devaluation. Having hair problems means that something has happened or is happening in my life that makes me lose faith in myself, in life, in the Universe and in the future.

What situations make me feel unworthy and at the same time separated from something I love or someone I love?

Pulling your hair out or eating it: Separation conflict linked to another conflict of loss of territory, occurring simultaneously or very close in time.

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It is a behavioral conflict.

These experiences made me feel defeated, weak, and they robbed me of my strength, my confidence, my security, and I believed that I could not get out of them alone, overcome them alone, and I felt that I would never again feel protected, happy, smile, trust.

To find these conflicts and to be able to express and overcome them, I have to look for six months before I started to pull my hair out or eat it.

If none of this has happened to me, I have to search the Sense Project or analyze my tree in search of a double that has experienced them.

The one on the scalp: Double separation conflict for which I feel unprotected.

It has to do with the ideas I have, with my way of thinking or with my convictions.

Dry hair: Expresses that I feel devalued by someone with whom I live daily (mother, father, boss, coach, co-worker, etc.

It constantly dwarfs me and makes me feel like I can’t think for myself, that I can’t do things by myself, that I can’t be independent.

Said devaluation is drying my hair, my strength, my joy, my confidence.

“Trust me, if you don’t do things as I tell you, as I teach you, they won’t work out for you, but I love you.”

Are you going alone? Are you sure you know how to go? Well, okay, I’ll accompany you!

Greasy hair: Oily hair indicates that something has happened to me in my life that has taken away my strength, but I want it back.

My strength slips, something or someone causes me to lose the strength that I have felt:

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“I do not receive from the world the necessary information to be strong”

“I lack knowledge, I feel stupid”

“No one tells me what I need to know”

If my hair is oily and it is also falling out, it means that I feel the emotional need to recover my skills, my knowledge, my gifts, my abilities.

In summary, hair is a projection of the individual, of his roots, of his ideas and of his personality. It is the bearer of our memories and therefore reflects or manifests our deepest beliefs and our connection with cosmic energy.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: