TYPES of AFFECT in psychology – Discover what they are, what characteristics they have and their examples

In everyday life we ​​can see many displays of affection. It’s not just about a kiss, an arm or a caress, but about the affection and attachment we feel for a loved one, a pet or something special. But did you know that there are different types of affection?

On the other hand, although affect is usually a positive feeling, sometimes its manifestations are not the most appropriate and can even be an indicator of a possible internal imbalance, since affect can also be associated with negative feelings. So that you can expand more on this fascinating topic, in this Psychology-Online article you will discover, in addition to its definition, the different types of affect in psychology.

What is affect in psychology

Affection is a manifestation that arises from the feeling of liking towards someone or something. That is, affection is shown or expressed by feel harmony and happiness when faced with an external stimulus. Etymologically, the word affection comes from the Latin affectus, which translates as “passions of the spirit” or “the state of the soul.”

For psychology, affect is a relational element, in which people experience emotions of affection or union towards something or someone. In other words, it refers to the susceptibility that someone has to the alterations they perceive in the world, whether real or symbolic.

Therefore, affection does not derive from oneself, but from the interrelationship that exists with an external entity, either with someone or something. Likewise, affection can be temporary or permanent, unlike the emotions that are inherent to human beings. Therefore, emotions will accompany you for the rest of your life.

Types of positive and negative affect

You should know that within this classification, there are types of positive and negative affect. The latter occurs, above all, when it is linked to emotions such as, fear or dissatisfaction. In addition, it is important to have a good self-concept and healthy self-esteem to be able to develop affection in a balanced and safe way.

Just because this type of affect is negative does not mean that it always manifests itself in a violent or toxic way. It should be said that the types of positive and negative affect are equally legal and valid; Therefore, examples of the manifestation of this type of affection can protect the person if he knows how to act in front of them; They are distrust, discomfort or anger.

The broad affection

This type of affection is associated with psychologically stable people. In fact, it is an affection that any individual can manifest through a wide variety of actions and emotions such as, for example, happiness and even.

positive affect

The psychologist Silvan Tomkins proposes that positive affect is that which occurs as an expression of success and impulse to share. Generally, this type of positive affect is expressed with a smile, the need to get closer, and the motivation for interaction.

neutral affect

This kind of affection manifests itself in the event of a startle or surprise and tends to produce a feeling of bewilderment, which can be channeled with some voluntary actions. Some examples of this type of affection are: hugging, kissing, or even acting impulsively.

Limited or restricted affection

This is one of the types of affects in psychology in which the person has a limited range of affections that can show. An example of limited affect is talking or witnessing something that causes excitement, but no visible emotions are expressed, such as opening your eyes or flashing a smile.

The dulled affection

It’s about a severe case of restricted affect. In fact, in this case the reactions to emotions are almost absent. A clear example of blunted affect is when a person receives the news of the death of a loved one and their reaction is apathetic or even nonexistent.

negative affect

This type of affect has clearly distinctive reactions, since it is related to anger, shame, among other emotions. Negative emotional affect can manifest itself in the form of sobbing, frozen gaze, lowered head, pale face, among other examples that people identify with.

Generally, negative affect emerges from a threatdue to dissatisfaction or the fact of not achieving a certain goal.

The flat affect

In this manifestation of emotional affection there is a complete restriction of the expression of emotions. That is, those who feel this type of affection do not show facial expressions or any other physical manifestation in situations that cause them any emotion.

labile affect

Within the types of affects in psychology, we are faced with a classification that is out of all proportion and that does not fit the situations. For example, a person may laugh non-stop for several minutes at something that is not funny. His reaction is even considered inappropriate and out of context.


Emotional affect is, without a doubt, an external display of the emotions and feelings we experience. Furthermore, it becomes a essential strategy to interrelate with the people around us. Therefore, being able to widely express affection is a clear sign of inner balance and good emotional health.

Therefore, if you are interested in evaluating your emotional capacity, you can take our .

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Ministry of Health of Spain (2021). Emotional Wellbeing. https://bemocion.sanidad.gob.es/emocionEstres/tristeza/aspectosEsenciales/queEs/home.htm
  2. American Psychological Association official website: https://dictionary.apa.org/sadness


  • Wyer, RS, Clore, GL, & Isbell, LM (1999). Affect and information processing. In M. P. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol. 31, pp. 1-77). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
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