Egocentric person: characteristics and how to treat them



Hello, thanks for the article, I have identified my partner in it.
The problem he has, apart from his enormous ego, that the only thing that matters is him (and his dog), is that he never lets me talk about my feelings when I have doubts about what he feels, if the relationship has a future , or if I have certain needs, he invalidates them by attacking me, saying that I’m already having one of my weird days, that I’m thinking too much, etc., he turns something that should be constructive into an argument in which he always ends up being the protagonist and He always makes me veiled threats that he wants peace of mind (as in, “if you’re not going to give it to me, you’ll stay there”). Apart from all this, he never does what I want, that is, I suggest places to go, things to do and nothing, he is always tired, he always has to study, if I don’t understand that, blah, blah, and now we will do them. This is their tactic to shut me up, which we will do (but so far, nothing).
I love him terribly, but it’s already tiring not being able to talk to him about my concerns if it concerns the relationship, it’s tiring to always have to be with a smile and in a good mood so that he doesn’t act like a mirror and behave, on top of that, in a cold with me in every way just because that day I’m less affectionate or I’m more serious, it’s tiring that she keeps me half hidden because she says she doesn’t want her work to know that she’s dating one of her former students (she’s a professor at a employment workshop, we are both adults) and it is tiring that he never wants to do things with me, things that I propose, of course.
I don’t know what to do anymore because I don’t want to leave him, I just want him to realize his selfish and manipulative attitude.

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Hello Esther, notice that in everything you said in the first paragraph I lived it, obviously he manipulated me a lot, but I didn’t notice it, I also loved him a lot and it cost me a lot to get out of there, we just finished 3 days ago, of course I follow him Missing me, I feel sad, I feel like I can no longer continue alone, because he did that to me, making me feel safe only with him, but I recommend that you get out of there or you will live unhappy.



Those people like that have to live alone, they don’t deserve the love of others.



Thank you very much for the article. The problem we have is that my father is a person who prefers his pride to getting along with his family, and if you don’t jump through hoops he subjects us to constant emotional blackmail. He never acknowledges his mistakes, doesn’t listen, and has never apologized for anything in his life. When we don’t play along, he ignores us for months, stopping speaking to us as if it were our fault. We have tried everything possible to see if the situation would change in any way, but it is getting worse every day. I offered him the option of socializing psychological help and he doesn’t find it necessary, and we no longer know what to do. He is a person who has everything to be happy and because of his ego he drags us all down. Is there ever a change in this type of characters? Is there nothing that can be done? Thank you so much

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Adriana Maldonado


Excellent article, egocentrism does not lead to anything positive, Blessings….



What can be done if the first things were not done? If that person is your own child, he no longer respects you, he manipulates you and you have let that happen for a long time.

Rocio Martinez


is what I thought the first thought is the one that counts

anna jewel


Hello, I have a permit from the government as a food stall concessionaire. MY supervisor is a super controlling, self-centered and arrogant person. How can I improve things, since my position can close at any time. thank you



My brother is 24 and he is too self-centered, the problem is that we are living together and he begins to treat me as if I were inferior or something like that, but with outside people he is kind and like that, his personality is a lie, he acts like trash but he doesn’t want others to know. He has even told my mother and Ami that he prefers other people and we are nothing to him. I no longer know how to deal with a person like that, he doesn’t demand anything from him, just simple respect.



Do you have any psychological treatment or any medication that helps these people?



Is an egocentric person aware that he is?

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I don’t think so, they probably have a big bandage on their face.



I say yes, maybe at one point in your life you realized that you are, and that it actually affects you and the important people in your life and you want to change, as is my case. The truth is that it feels a little sad to realize that you are self-centered, but that is the first step to change.



I consider that it depends on the person, perhaps if it is a person who has been egocentric for a long time, and no one has brought him down from his cloud, because he has not realized it, on the other hand, if he is a person who meditates, he has ups and downs. , a person in constant movement, maybe, just maybe he realizes what he is like, it depends on how well the person knows himself, that is why self-knowledge is so important from my perspective as a teenager looking to be part of society



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Not always. I also believe that a person can be self-centered. How a person can also have egocentric moments and not necessarily be completely egocentric



I have constant problems with a brother who is so egocentric and conceited and talkative and who has my mother on his side, what can I say to him?

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Likewise, for mothers their children are little angels. . .

maydee rivera


For work reasons, I took care of a lady who has an administrative position, and she did not follow any suggestion and even her health was affected by not being humble and I considered that she is an egocentric person. This article fits perfectly with the behavior that this lady presented. Excellent

Lourdes Barbosa


How can I deal with a self-centered woman who uses her daughters to harm her ex?

Olga Patricia del Toro Duarte


Hello, I liked your article but I would like to meet people who have already dealt with self-centered people and how they have managed them. Specifically, it is very difficult for me to live with these people and it affects me a lot at work, because I am sincere and it bothers me that they try to manipulate me and The truth is that it is quite obvious and it is difficult for me not to show my annoyance.

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Pamela Diaz

05/02/2021 Hello…

I am in a similar case, my husband is an Egocentric person, he blackmails me, he treats me badly and makes me angry many times at least…

Sometimes I feel like leaving him but I love him and it makes me very angry when he gets into that plan, I don’t know what else to do, I tell him things calmly and he doesn’t understand me.



Egocentric people can be dangerous depending on their personal intelligence. In your case, Olga, it is just a matter of having your ideals very well planned and trying to plant the idea that egocentric people do not have to always pay attention to them, only when necessary and that He can notice that you are standing well and are in control of what is happening (remember that egocentrics are twice as insecure as a normal person)

Carmen Eliana


How appropriate it is to tell these people that they possibly suffer from this pathology. Thank you so much.



My Father is a self-centered person. When I got married for the first time, that person was the opposite. That marriage lasted 2 years. And the reason had a lot to do with what I thought of a man. I thought that a grown man had to do like my dad. I don’t know how I came to this conclusion knowing that I didn’t like how my dad treated my mom. My mom cried a lot. My dad felt she was small. She psychologically abused her every day. Finally, when I got divorced, I found someone who almost reminded me of my dad. I got married for the second time and now my husband reminds me exactly of my dad and I feel in my mom’s position. My husband grew up surrounded by unfaithful and negative people. He had to learn how to survive from the age of 11 and trusting no one was a life tool to survive just like my dad’s situation. Understanding where my husband comes from and how he grew up helps me have empathy and not hate for him. But at this moment in my life, I have learned to trust myself and not how I did it for 11 years. He has only trusted me for 2 years and I no longer allow myself to be manipulated or intimidated. I love him very much because he has a big heart. And now reading this article confirms what I already believed, the reason that he is a self-centered person. It’s because of the way he was raised. Now that I have taken control of my life, he respects me more than before, and he has even told me so. Even now we can sit and talk about his (egocentric) way of being and he is trying to change. By saying that he didn’t know what the word “empathy” meant. The first time me and my 13 year old daughter found out that he didn’t know what empathy was, I and she didn’t laugh, but it wasn’t a joke, he had a serious face, and we explained to him what it meant, and he told us that I didn’t feel empathy for other people. He has it with us but not 24/7. Maybe it’s because of how he was raised. My husband grew up without love. I am a person who is critical by nature. I am Virgo. This article helps me understand why I have to stop being a critical person and continue showing my husband love. Since he decided to trust myself, our relationship has grown for the better. Our relationship has taken a lot of work but as long as both people love each other and are willing to change for the better, there is no need for divorce. But if there is no understanding from both people, the relationship will not flourish.




My husband is a person who mentions at least twice a day that I am very lucky to have him because he is… and he is… and he is… and that those who are like that no longer exist. He feels perfect and makes others feel bad when he begins to behave superior to him (including me).
Many times I have tried to talk to him that this is not right and he should not treat people like that because he seems somewhat egocentric and gets even more upset and looks for reasons why he treats them like that which are not relevant reasons. He always answers me that the reason is because I had many friends when I was young (they were just friends, nothing strange) and he didn’t like that (I did lose all my friends) and he tells me that I should thank him because he stayed. with me.
What do I do, a psychologist? And if so, how do I tell him to go?



And if the egocentric one is me, or it’s someone you live with for a long time,…