How a Woman in Love Acts: +30 Signs

A woman in love shares herself like this many times, but some women share themselves like this almost always. Because her personality is like that.

She likes to spend time with those she has the most fun with, because it makes her really happy.
Some people are very smiling, not only with the boy/girl they like. Smile and laugh easily.
Just because she’s interested in how your day went sometimes, doesn’t mean she’s in love.
And a good person will always really care about the people he cares about.
A person who usually takes the initiative most of the time, even in a conversation, is not always in love. That’s her personality.
There are people who look for eye contact, to analyze them. To know them better. NOT FOR ANYTHING ELSE.
If you have a really good time, obviously the feeling of joy is going to be immense, so much so that it will fill you with energy, even more so if you are an energetic and extroverted person.
I really don’t understand, I lost my best friend because he believed all this. But I don’t analyze it well.
Body language? I do not comply with all this.
Oh, it can’t be. I don’t blush easily, almost never. My lips tend to dry quickly. And I use touches sometimes but UNINTENTIONALLY. And yes, HE SMILED A LOT, WHAT’S WRONG WITH IT.



Yes Vanessa. People are very different, two people may feel the same and act completely different. It is very difficult to try to pigeonhole feelings or behaviors like that. The only one that does not lie is our heart, it is the one that tells you the cruel truth. It is we who interpret what we wish to interpret.

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You already know that person. If you know that he is an introverted and shy person but that he opens up more to you or you think that he behaves differently, you may think that he is in love. Although what you ALWAYS have to do when you really like someone is let them know. If it works, perfect. And if not, it can be very hard, but you’re going to have to move on. But it’s always worth taking a little risk. I know it costs a lot. I am quite shy and introverted and it was impossible for me to tell him in any way. Of course, first you must believe or have some suspicion that he likes you. Also remember not to think what you want to think, but be realistic. Sometimes we are very optimistic and we think that the other person also feels something when that may not be the case.



For a long time now, a girl has been looking at me too much, and then she decided to start a conversation with me, and she always tells me how her day went and I like it.



Vanesa, when you clarify who you are, and that the patterns do not represent you, I would like to know how you behave or react when you are in love? Because I have a friend that I like and who gives me all the signs, but reading your comment I don’t want to lose her by messing around…