What does it mean to dream about a fight – Dream Interpretation

The dream world is full of mysteries that we often do not know how to interpret. Sigmund Freud himself said that the dream is a psychic product worthy of study. In fact, it is normal for things to happen in them that are difficult to decipher and that sometimes have nothing to do with what happens on a daily basis, which is even more disconcerting.

One of those dreams, for example, may be dreaming about a fight without having been involved in one. This does not always mean something negative, as other aspects may be involved. The interpretation of these dreams will also depend on whether you are the one participating in the altercation or if you are just an observer. In this Psychology-Online article, we tell you what does it mean to dream about a fight. We will give you all the keys that will help you find meaning in these types of dreams.

Meaning of dreaming about a fight

Broadly speaking, dreaming about a fight has very varied interpretations, but, in general, it is the omen of drastic changes. It can also be a call from the subconscious to resume actions that you have let go, warning you about the need to control your emotions and fears more complex. Discover .

Now, to know for sure what it means to dream about a fight, you must be clear if you are in it or just observing it. We will see these meanings below.

Meaning of dreaming about fighting with someone

Dreaming that you are fighting with someone you know is a sign that something unexpected is going to happen and it will completely surprise you. It may be a positive fact, or on the contrary a bad surprise. That’s why you should be prepared for a surprising turn of events, where you may have to think about making certain changes to your usual routines.

Furthermore, the acquaintance you face may be your own representation as a symbol of some feelings you must face.

Meaning of dreaming about a fight at school

Often, you tend to dream that you fight at school with people you know. If you manage to identify the other person involved, it means that you should talk to them to clarify a situation and iron out any rough spots that have you at a certain level of discomfort.

On the other hand, the school is a family place. This indicates that you should return to a familiar place. correct a mistake made previously in it. It can be the house where you were born, a former job or a city you visited. Consulting this article can help you.

Meaning of dreaming about a fight and losing

Dreaming that you fight with someone and lose is a sign that you are going through something bad in your life. period of pain or . So, it is good that you take some time for yourself, to take care of yourself and vent a little, since if you don’t it can worsen your physical and emotional state.

Furthermore, it may be the harbinger of major material losses, like a house or even a job. It can also be a legal problem in which you run the risk of not coming out very well.

What does it mean to dream of a fight and winning?

Dreaming about a fight and winning has a positive connotation. This type of dream is interpreted as meaning that you are willing to move forward and fight for your goals. Specifically, it means that you know your true essence and you will not allow anyone to divert you from your goal. In other words, you will be able to achieve everything you set your mind to.

In this article you will find information about.

What does it mean to dream that you fight with your partner?

Dreaming about fights and arguments as a couple denotes that perhaps you are not bringing out your own personality or you don’t like something about yourself and this causes there to be divergences in your environment. You must work on it to be able to make more honest decisions. If you fight with your partner, you should find a way to resolve the conflicts as soon as possible.

What does it mean to dream that you fight with your boss?

The meaning of dreaming about a fight with your boss warns you about a review that is to come in your work and with which, surely, you are going to feel uncomfortable. However, it may be for your personal growth. Therefore, do not feel attacked, but rather see it as a great opportunity.

Meaning of dreaming about family fights

Friends and family in dreams are usually a reflection of ourselves. So, dreaming about a fight with your family or a friend usually means that you have an internal conflict in which, for some reason, you can’t decide which is the best path to take. In the following articles you will find

Meaning of dreaming that others fight and you are watching

It may happen that in the dream episode you are not involved, but rather you are observing the fight. In this case, the interpretation takes on other meanings. Let’s see them:

  • Fight without participating: dreaming of a fight without directly participating is related to the workplace. Maybe conflicts will occur at work that have nothing to do with you. So stay calm, still and find a positive approach to the situation. Just fix what you need to fix and move on.
  • Street fight: the subconscious may be warning you about a conflict that is to come. Remember that dreams are alerts of what is happening or is going to happen. Consequently, he raises his guard, but without losing his composure or balance.
  • Fight between women: if two women fight in your dreams it has to do with situations that are occurring and that require your attention. It can also mean that there are women in your family or social circle who are going through a bad time and need your support.

In short, dreaming about fights is not always an omen of negative things. They are wake-up calls so that you can prepare for possible changes or conflicts and know how to act as effectively as possible.

On the other hand, if you are interested in knowing more about the dream world and the interpretation of dreams, this book that we have selected for you will serve as a guide to start. analyze and interpret your dreams:

At Psychology-Online we want to point out that the meaning of dreams is a branch of psychoanalysis and symbology that has little contrast, so the information you have just read is indicative.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Freud, S. (2013). The interpretation of dreams (Vol. 267). Akal Editions.
  • Torrades, S. (2005). The nature of dreams. Offarm Magazine, 24(9), 134-140. Recovered at: https://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-offarm-4-articulo-la-naturaleza-suenos-13079597
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