What does it mean to DREAM about CRYING – Dream Interpretation

Did you dream that you were crying and woke up with a start without knowing what this dream means? Crying is one of the most natural conditions of human beings. Through it we can express different emotions, because not only do we cry out of sadness, but also crying arises in happy and even funny situations. In general, dreaming about crying reflects sensitivity, a need for comfort and the release of deep emotions locked inside.

For your information what does it mean to dream about crying, in this Psychology-Online article, you will see all the information you need. Each of the details will serve to interpret your dream vision. This way you will be able to find the balance you need and apply the necessary changes in your life, since dreaming about seeing someone cry is not the same as dreaming about crying for love.

What does it mean to dream of crying inconsolably?

What does it mean to dream that I am crying? First of all, we will see what it means to dream about crying inconsolably. When this type of dream occurs it has to do with a high level of distress and anxiety. Some aspect of your life is not right, and that baffles you. It is possible that some problem has you thinking about how you can solve the issue. Obviously, this generates a lot of concern and unease in you.

If this is so, you must find stability, which you will only do by analyzing the entire context. It is not good that you continue carrying so many worries on your shoulders. Try to rest from tension so you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It does not mean that you turn your back on your problems, but that you act with serenity and intelligence to be able to reach the best solution.

In this article, you will find more information about .

What does it mean to dream of crying out of sadness?

Do you want to know what it means for psychoanalysis to dream about crying a lot because of sadness? If in your dream you are crying out of sadness or grief, it is a bad omen. In fact, it is a sign that something bad may possibly happen. If you have a partner, you should pay close attention to your relationshipsince dreaming is signaling that there is poor communication between you, and that can bring many inconveniences. In this article, you will find more information about .

Another meaning of dreaming that you cry from sadness is that you feel afraid of a particular situation. It could be an illness, a financial loss or even a family problem. Remember that life is about ups and downs. Therefore, if you are going through a bad patch, do not lose faith that everything will get better.

What does it mean to dream of crying out of rage?

Now, let’s look at the meaning of dreaming about tears of rage. This dream arises when you wear a frustration or annoyance for not having achieved a certain objective. Maybe you’ve been working toward a particular goal for some time and haven’t been able to achieve it. The most convenient thing is that you do not despair because everything comes in its time.

Likewise, by taking some particular characteristics of the vision you can find other interpretations, such as:

  • You dreamed that you were crying from helplessness: this dream symbolizes annoyance at not having what you want. It is likely that someone catches your attention, but is not interested in having a relationship with you at the moment.
  • You dreamed that you were crying out of rage over infidelity: it is a very painful and distressing dream. It means that you are not hanging out with good company. There are people around you who want to cause you harm. You must be alert and prepared. Here you can see.

What does it mean to dream of crying for love?

Are you looking for the meaning of dreaming about crying for love? When we dream of crying for love it is a symbol of emptiness, lack of affection or even a reflection of disappointment. It means that in real life you are experiencing a feeling of sadness because you feel attached to something impossible. In this article we talk about .

The best thing is to leave behind what doesn’t make you happy so you can evolve. The most likely thing is that you miss a past situation that is over, whether it is a relationship, a work relationship, or even a friendship. You’re better off accepting that it’s over and moving on. Here you can see.

What does it mean to dream of seeing another person cry?

What does it mean to dream about someone else’s tears? Dreaming about seeing another person cry has several interpretations. One of them is that, without realizing it, you may have hurt someone close. You should examine your recent actions to try to determine if you actually committed an offense against someone and did not realize it. If that is the case, it is an excellent decision to apologize to make amends for the situation.

Another interpretation is that a friend or family member may need your support, they just don’t know how to express themselves clearly. On the other hand, if you see another person cry with joy, it is a sign of pleasure and satisfaction. You are full of spirit, with good self-esteem and that will make you realize big changes in your life.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Sirin, M. I. (2008). The book of interpretation of dreams. Editorial Sirio, SA Spain.
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