Emotional conflicts that affect the nose and how to consciously heal them

The nose is the organ through which air enters, which allows me to inhale life. Therefore, any breathing problem is directly related to my difficulty in feeling alive, happy.

The nose analyzes the air that it inspires (smell) and informs me about the pleasant or hostile character of the environment. Through smell I can feel and perceive beings and situations.

Any symptom tells me that I am living in an environment that I dislike or that I am enduring situations that I do not want to experience.

The nose symbolically represents power (the ability or inability to take the lead in personal or social life).

It is related to the recognition I have about myself and my intuition (having a nose for business, smelling a problem from afar, realizing that a matter smells bad).

With personality (the image that one shows of himself), pride, sexuality, curiosity, inspiration and spirituality.

Nose: smell. As with the ears, the nose cannot be closed either. In the animal world, smell is a crucial sense.

Smells warn of the presence of dangers (predators, toxic substances, etc.).

By smell they are exposed to being recognized, discover identity, belonging to the other (body odor, aroma, etc.), detect the situation of the prey, recognize good and bad food and receive sexual messages (pheromones ).

Olfactory conflict: I refuse to relate anymore. I want to get away from the world around me. I don’t want to smell anyone.

Pestilence situation: (being working in a place or with a person whose smell we cannot stand). What a plague! How bad does that smell!

Nose: mucous. “I want to get rid of the smell. I can’t stand his smell or his presence anymore!

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Anguish conflict: It is a conflict of fear/apprehension. “It smells bad because of me.”

Territory conflict: “I smell danger, the predator.” “I feel the prey, the hunt, the good shot” “I smell that… I smell that…” What are they up to? They are talking about me?

Olfactory paranoia: They are hiding something from me, they are covert.

Conflict of fear/mistrust: Danger is ahead or around.

“I want to separate myself from the bad smell, so that it does not affect me”

“I want to keep the world around me away, I don’t want to smell it and that’s why I decrease my sense of smell”

: They tell us that we have experienced a situation of olfactory devaluation regarding the marking of my territory. “I have not been able, or I have not been able to smell how the aggression reaches my territory”

Fracture of the nose bone: It expresses to us that we have experienced a great existential devaluation at an olfactory level related to my being or to my own territory.

You can also tell us about a serious separation within the family.

Deviated nasal septum: reveals that our life is poorly partitioned and we have the desire to unite the working life with the affective one, example: “I want everyone to love me at work”.

It also shows us our inability to mark my territory. “I can’t find my place” “They don’t appreciate me as I deserve”

Nasal polyps: A polyp is a benign tumor that develops in a sinus or in the corresponding nostril and has the effect of more or less totally obstructing the affected side. The presence of the polyp decreases smell.

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The polyp warns us of the presence of a dirty olfactory morsel, we are smelling something dirty, for example, a deceit, a betrayal or an infidelity, etc.

At a deeper level it reveals “fear of what I smell”, “I want to get away from the world around me”

In the same way, it warns us of a stinking situation, of an unpleasant and penetrating smell. “It can’t possibly smell that bad” “I hate this perfume”

in the mucosa: When the mucosa is affected, it tells us that we are experiencing a dangerous situation in the territory, home, work, partner, etc.

“I can’t stand his smell anymore, his presence”

What are they up to? “I have the suspicion that they are hiding something from me, that they are hiding something.”

Bleeding from the nose, epistaxis: Epistaxis is understood to mean all bleeding originating in the nostrils.

It has to do with the family, with the joy that runs through my body and the nose represents the father and sexuality.

Thus, a hemorrhage tells us about a loss of joy towards something that I experience. I may have experienced a huge disappointment in my life.

I have the need for family recognition, I feel that I am not recognized, valued or loved for who I am. “Nobody loves me” “Everyone ignores me, nobody cares about me in this family”

Bleeding also tells us that we have stopped receiving the support of someone who was very important to us.

Likewise, it can warn us of a hidden fear of death, after having witnessed the sacrifice of an animal.

Conflict of having to leave the house against our will. Feeling of guilt for some conflict related to the family. “I want to leave this family.” “I want someone from the family to leave.”

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Edema and nasal crusts: “I want to separate myself from the outside to feel at peace”

Runny nose, mucus (sinuses): He tells us that I have a tendency to withdraw into myself and “cry over my luck.”

It is an internal cry because we do not value ourselves and we wish that someone would protect us and help us. “I can’t do it alone and they don’t realize it” “No one offers me their support or help”

Dry nose: It warns us of a difficulty we have to express love, to say “I love you”

olfactory nerve: It reveals to us that we want to cut off information, communication with someone because it stinks.

Inward runny nose: It is the symbolic manifestation of an internal cry, for our attitude as a victim. “I do everything by myself” “I need love” “I would like to be taken care of”

Stuffy and Stuffy Nose: It proves to us that we do not value ourselves, nor accept ourselves as we are. “I don’t consider myself valuable” “I did it wrong, I was wrong”

Right nostril (left for lefties): Represents affectivity. If there is a problem, it means that I am separated from affection, from affection. “I want to smell closer the smell of…”

Left nostril (right for lefties): Through this pit we perceive danger. I’m smelling something dirty that arouses my anger.

It is more related to matters that smell bad in the workplace, at work. “I want to reject, set aside something or someone, olfactorily.