That nail problem could mean this

The nails represent the feeling of “protection” that we have in relation to everything that happens around us. They can be affected when our activity or direction tends to change, and it means that we may have difficulty coping with these changes.

We have the choice to use our nails negatively (to attack, to defend ourselves and to hurt as the animal does) or positively, using them for our dexterity and creativity. Whatever the energy used, we can discover the meaning of it by defining the state of our nails.

As the nails represent protection, when you present a problem with them, you must necessarily analyze in what aspect of your life you feel unprotected.

Know the meaning of nail problems according to Biodescoding.

1. Nail biting (Onychophagia)

Biting your nails indicates a very large inner nervousness. This can also be a deep insecurity of not feeling capable of being or doing what is expected of you. If it is a child, this can manifest the presence of resentment or frustration towards one of the parents, and that can also occur in an adult.

If you bite your nails you may feel unable to assume and be self-sufficient, and want others to take care of you. You also prefer to “eat your aggressiveness”, that is, suppress it. That suggests that there are emotions that are not expressed.

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I allow myself to defend myself.
  • I can defend myself without eating myself.
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2. Nail biting

If one bites his nails it may mean that he is holding back from “scratching” or hurting his (symbolic) father. It can also be the mother, but it is a minimal percentage of cases, only if it is the nails of the thumb. The person who bites their nails is someone who eats away from the inside by not feeling protected, especially with regard to the details of her life.

You may feel anger towards one of your parents who did not protect you enough, according to your needs. Every time she relives that lack of protection with that parent or indirectly with another person, she bites her nails, which gives her security and alleviates her anguish.

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I am accurate when defending myself.
  • I accept my father or mother. I forgive him and I forgive myself.
  • I live calm and without grudges.

3. Yellow nails

Yellow nail syndrome occurs when the fingernails or toenails are greenish-yellow, thick, and curved. From the medical angle, this occurs when the circulation of my lymphatic system is inadequate, this being attributed to chronic respiratory disorders.

Nails are a protection for the fingers and toes, and when they look unhealthy the body is telling the body that it needs to increase protections because it feels fragile. Life may be perceived as “off.”

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I look inside myself for what can bring more passion in my life.
  • I increase the vital energy in me so that it manifests to the end of my fingers.
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4. Soft and brittle nails

Nails represent vitality, the state of vital energy. Brittle nails express an imbalance at the level of energy and regarding the use that is made of it. Soft nails express tiredness and indifference towards life.

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I am the one who must put momentum and take care to use my energy well.
  • I understand that I always give my best effort.
  • I accept myself strong and safe.
  • I drop guilt (ego’s biggest trap) and I love myself just the way I am.

5. Ingrown toenail or nail

An ingrown toenail indicates guilt or nervousness in the face of a new situation. It can also represent a conflict between my mental and spiritual desires. If it is a fingernail, it is a situation of daily life and, more frequently, if it is a toenail, it is a situation or decision for the future. .

If it is the big toe, the ingrown toenail can represent concern about a pressure that will come in the future and for which you already feel guilty. It is important to see which finger or toe is affected in order to have additional information about the aspect of life that needs to be adjusted, eliminating guilt.

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I accept that I go my own way.
  • I choose my path in life.
  • I feel happy and joyful with what I decide to do.
  • I accept my right to move forward in life.

6. Nail fungus

When your nails are contaminated by fungus, it means that you are living in a “crap” situation with respect to someone around you. Mushrooms mean putrefaction, so the relationship with the couple, the relationship with the mother, with the father, with friends or siblings should be reviewed.

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There is necessarily a toxic, polluting, dirty, despicable relationship, from which you have to get away.

How do I release that biological emotion?

  • I walk away from that person with whom I have a toxic relationship.
  • I defend myself consistently.
  • Understand that I am valuable and love me.

Important: It should be clarified that La Bioguía does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly. In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, La Bioguía does not assume responsibility for these acts. The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to help in the search for personal development and growth.