Halitosis (bad breath) – Integral Health Coaching.

The term halitosis or bad breath refers to a bad smell that comes from the mouth of the person who suffers from it.

If the bad breath comes from a physical condition such as a digestion problem, tooth decay, etc., the problem should be seen. The description that follows refers to the person whose bad breath does not come from a pathological situation.

This type of bad breath seems to come from deep within the affected person. It indicates that this person feels great inner pain and has thoughts of hatred, revenge or a lot of anger towards the person or people who hurt them. These thoughts, of which she is often ashamed to the point of not wanting to be aware of them, slowly make her die inside. Consequently, this bad smell helps to keep those close to her away from her, when in reality what he most desires in the world is her presence.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Smells serve many purposes in biology, among others to mark territory. In this case it is related to the territory that I mark when expressing my ideas. These should be very well marked.

CONFLICT: Intellectual territory and expression. Hate and anger. My ideas arrive loaded with a territorial repellent that scares away potential predators of my expressions.

How do I feel when I express myself? I am free? Do I feel attacked by my ideas? Why do I think I should counterattack?

Conflict of “rotten relationship”.

Situations or emotions that I can’t digest and rot inside me for not being able to release them.

See also  Unresolved duels – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Conflict of loneliness or deep rejection. Stories of family alcoholism lived with rancor.

CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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