One month of intermittent fasting: this is what happens to the body and the kilos you can lose

What is fasting? Just the interval between meals. This means that each of us goes through a more or less long fasting phase every day, the one between dinner and breakfast. Nutritionists recommend a break of at least 12 hours for our body to restore itself. But how many hours can abstinence from food be prolonged and can it be the best Also, what happens to the body when you fast? We are going to talk about some forms of fasting, some of which originated for therapeutic reasons or to promote longevity, but all of which lead to more or less considerable weight loss.

The way is intermittent fasting, which alternates more or less long phases of abstinence from food with phases in which you eat regularly. Different patterns can be followed. The most common is the 16/8 method, in which you fast for 16 hours and eat meals 8 hours apart. Other schemes consist of alternating fasting days with the days on which you normally eat, or interspersing one or two fasting days within the week. The choice of regimen is personal and depends on lifestyle, but also on the advice of the responsible physician, who should be consulted before embarking on such a regimen.

What happens to the body when you fast

Intermittent fasting is the most suitable system for those who want to lose weight quickly. In fact, in the absence of food, a mechanism is set in motion in which the body begins to use its reserves and obtain energy from fat mass. The result is rapid weight loss and a decrease in waist circumference. Scientific data seems to indicate that intermittent fasting could be effective not only for losing weight, but also for optimizing metabolism.

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In addition, food withdrawal would reduce appetite, which would cause indirect weight loss. There is also talk of a slowdown in aging as a result of cell repair produced by caloric restriction and a protective effect on brain health. However, they are still hypotheses and more confirmation is needed to be scientifically certain.

how many kilos can be lost

During the fasting phase, no calorie-free liquid substances, such as water, coffee, and sugar-free teas, are allowed. You can also take multivitamin supplements or green or black tea or coconut milk without added sugar. However, to achieve considerable weight loss, well-balanced and well-balanced meals must be taken during the eating phase. In order not to nullify the benefits of fasting, the diet should favor vegetables and fruits, whole grains, fish and lean meat, legumes and healthy fats.

Weight loss is not the same for everyone and depends on several factors, but generally it ranges between 3% and 8% of the weight in a period of a few weeks to a few months. On average, there is a weight loss of about 3.5 kg per month.