Diabetes according to Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts

I could say with my hand on my waist, that unlike several authors, including Hamer, diabetes in 95% of the cases of consultation, obeys not so much an emotion of RESISTANCE, of OPPOSITION. We have found in the vast majority of cases that Diabetes originates from an emotion of abandonment.

Diabetes according to Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts

  • Children who lost their father
  • wives who lost husband
  • Children who were “gifted”
  • Children who were orphaned
  • Brothers who were separated in childhood and grew up apart.

And I could summarize it in: Children who grew up ALONE.

Lack of love and diabetes

And be careful, because I don’t mean they grow alone like wild flowers, no. I mean children who grew up lacking love, care, hugs, company, a loving family. It is precisely these facts that make up the programming conflict. What does this mean?

That when said person grows up and feels “abandoned”, “unloved”, “not wanted”, etc. It will trigger a diagnosis of diabetes. And not only that person can have diabetes, but also transmits to all his offspring, the “lack of sweetness” program.

So far, we could all think that diabetics are people “lacking sweetness” or “searching for sweetness”, but this is not the case.


Although a diabetic may be programmed for a life of abandonment, he or she may also be programmed for a life in which everyone shows love, but he or she does not know how to process it.

Hard, cold, dry people, unable to hug or receive a hug. Incapable of being able to the beautiful side of life. Therefore we have diabetes, it is rather a problem of “not knowing how to process sweetness”.

See also  Duodenum according to Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts

Either because we have never had it, or because we have longed for it all our lives and when we receive it we do not know how to process it, or also because we are afraid of becoming attached to it and then suffering sadly if it is lost.

And every diabetic should, instead of ceding power to a medical diagnosis. Take the true power of him and analyze if among his grandparents or great-grandparents there were stories of abandonment, orphanhood, of separated or given siblings. And surely, I almost bet, already in the line of grandparents and parents, he will find that yes.

This, of course, will help you understand first that your diabetes is not yours, that it was an emotional program that has been inherited.

After this, the diabetic must analyze his own life, check if he has been happy, if he has been able to give love and kindness to others, receiving the same or at least to the extent that he or she imagined it.

Check if any family event has not occurred

The death of a loved one, for example, that has moved him to a state of “I no longer receive that sweetness that made me vibrate and be happy), a situation that could have been the fire that ignited the powder for “diabetes”.

  • If a diabetic person, if any diabetic person, understands and understands this whole process.
  • If anyone is capable of understanding that the sweetness of a hug is the same for the brain as a spoonful of sugar in a coffee or tea, they will be able to become aware that the diagnosis of diabetes, which they have received from their doctor, is not definitive. .
See also  Biodecoding Trigeminal Neuralgia — Emotional Conflicts

And that to the extent that he or she finds a reason to live and be happy, to the extent that that person knows how to kiss and hug as well as let himself be kissed and hugged, little by little he will reform his organic processes so that said sugar is process perfectly.

Nobody needs diabetes, nobody

And the problem with all this is that, for example, in the case of Type 1 Diabetes, the person gets so used to insulin that even if they were aware of the event that triggered the entire program and the symptom, it would take longer and longer. effort, because now it has created “a dependency” to it.

Conflict theoretically managed for Diabetes

  • Resistance Conflict (denying or opposing something or someone), which occurs in right-handed women already in menopause or in right-handed men.
  • Conflict of Disgust, disgust or fear, which occurs only in pre-menopausal left-handed women or in left-handed men with hormonal disorders.

We have an IMPERATIVE Transgenerational element to search, understand and let go. We have to find that abandonment that happened, that growing up alone that happened, that being orphaned that happened. Because it will add to our healing and liberation.

Because if I am the father or mother of a child under 14 years of age, and I am a double of that relative (father, mother, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc.) who grew up alone, I can present diabetes yes and also unconsciously, I can inherit the program from my son or daughter.

Or maybe it is my son or my daughter who is double of that person who grew up alone and suffered so much. Or maybe my son or daughter is not double by dates but it occurred to me to name him after that family member who grew up alone.

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As you can see then, that diagnosed diabetes may have a solution, rather than a serious complication. Look for those stories in your tree, in your family, in your partner’s family and get to work, to make a mourning letter where you release all that history from now on.

Be aware that there is a solution before getting used to the treatment.


Elizabeth Romero Sanchez and Edgar Romero Franco.