Biodecoding — Bad Breath — Emotional conflicts

Normally, the breath is almost odorless. If the bad breath comes from a physical condition such as a digestive problem, tooth decay, etc., see the problem concerned. The description that follows refers mainly to the person whose bad breath does not come from a pathological situation.

Biodecoding — Bad Breath — Emotional conflicts

This type of bad breath seems to come from deep within the affected person. It indicates that this person feels great inner pain and has thoughts of hatred, revenge or a lot of anger towards the person or people who hurt them.

These thoughts, of which he is often ashamed to the point of not wanting to be aware of them, slowly make him die inside. Consequently, this bad smell helps to alienate those close to him, when in reality what he most desires in the world is his presence.

If you have doubts about your breath

I suggest you ask some of the people who know you to tell you the truth about this matter. Afterwards, it is important that you verify if it comes from a pathological state. If not, this message is very important because it can help you resolve an unhealthy inner attitude.

There is no wound big enough that true forgiveness cannot heal. You do not have to live feelings of helplessness and you can let out the shame that you repress in yourself. Accept the fact that you are a kind person and rediscover that big heart that is inside you.

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Bad breath

It is the direct consequence of my difficulty in dealing internally and externally with the situations that I experience. This difficulty may come from the fact that I remain in my positions in relation to certain ideas that I do not express and that rot in situ.

The difficulty can also come from the fact that I am not able to overcome the difficulties in a period of great change in my life and that old ideas stagnate for too long in relation to the speed of change that I live.

I check to what extent I can take the situations of my life. It is important that I communicate with related people to share my emotions and my thoughts in order to get rid of this bad breath of mine.

criticism, hate, revenge

This is frequently linked to thoughts of criticism, hatred, revenge that I have against myself or against another person, and of which I am ashamed. The air that I breathe in and that nourishes my cells is loaded with all my thoughts, both positive and negative.

What are the thoughts that I harbor inside me and that infest my breath?

Frequently, such thoughts may be unconscious. When a person experiences this situation constantly, it would be good to tell them so that they become aware of it and that they remedy the problem that may have existed for a long time.

Knowing this, you will have the opportunity to experience forgiveness

Either forgiveness towards herself – herself for having maintained unhealthy thoughts, or forgiveness towards another person for having held a grudge against her for so long. It is good that it reminds me that when love and honesty are the basic ingredients of my thoughts, my breath will become fresh.

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I free myself from the unhealthy thoughts of the past. Now, I breathe in the freshness of my new positive thoughts of love, towards myself and towards others.

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Bad breath can greatly affect your life, and because it is something unpleasant, people start to move away and it can even cause psychological problems..